Use Facebook Offers to Grow Your Facebook Page Likes

Posted by Peter Paterson
Aug 4, 2018
The main goal of your Facebook Page is to grow your likes and your targeted fans. One way to do that is by taking advantage of Facebook Offers. With Facebook offers, you can share a discount with your audience by posting an offer on your Facebook Page. 

How to Successfully Design a Facebook Offer

To make sure your offer is claimed as well as shared, you should consider the headline and the image you use along with the value of the offer. Remember, if people don’t understand what your offer is, they might think its spam and hide it from their News Feed or unlike your Page. That is not what you want to happen, so make sure your offer is clear.

There is no minimum value or discount required to create a Facebook offer. However, discounts of 20% or more will usually reach the most people, and giving something away free usually performs better than offering a discount. 

How do People Claim My Offer?

Your visitor simply clicks ‘Get Offer’ and an email will be then be sent to them. The person will then need to print the email and bring it into your business to redeem it for whatever the offer was. You should make sure all of your staff are aware of the Facebook Offers you are running and that they know how to honor and process these offers, otherwise you will have unhappy customers, who will be quick to share their bad experience with their friends.

How to Create a Facebook Offer

You must have at least 50 likes in order to take advantage of Facebook Offers. Here are the steps you need to follow to create your offer. 

1. On your Facebook Page’s Timeline go to the sharing tool. Click Offer, Event+ and then click Offer.
2. Fill out all of the details about your offer. This includes your Headline, uploading your image, adding an expiration date, and choosing your audience. You will also set your budget. 
3. Click the ‘More Options’ and add your start date, terms & conditions, and online redemption.
4. Preview your offer and when you are satisfied click ‘Post Offer.’

There you have it. It’s as easy as these four steps to create your own Facebook Offer and begin to enjoy the benefits of both increasing your Likes and bringing potentially new customers into your store. It’s a win-win all the way around!

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