2 Secrets to Growing Your Facebook Fans and Likes

Posted by Peter Paterson
Sep 18, 2018
Growing your Facebook fans and likes can be a challenge. 

In fact, it might seem like a bit of a daunting task for some. 
Good news it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Let’s look at two 
of the best ways to grow your fans and likes.

Method #1 Grow Your Facebook Fans and Likes With Contests

This is one of the easiest methods to excite people about your page 
and to draw new fans to your page. The lure of winning the big prize 
means your target market is going to show up, ‘click Like,’ and become 
a fan on your page. 

How to Get People Who Want to Enter Your Contest to Like Your Page and Become a Fan

There are a number of 3rd party contest apps that you can choose from, 
such as Wishpond have a very useful feature, which is called Like Gate, 
designed to hide the contest entry page until after Liking the Facebook Page. 

Like Gate is an image that has text that tells the visitor that they have to 
Like the page before they can access the amazing contest. Once they Like it the 
app automatically loads the default entry for the contest or the voting page where 
the user enters your contest. 

Method #2 Grow Your Facebook Fans and Likes With Like Gated Coupons

Coupons are an excellent promotion that’s well received. Even a coupon 
for as little as 10 percent off gives visitors incentive to purchase your 
product while you get to keep your margins fairly unscathed. 

The best way to use coupons is for you to have them carry out some action 
so that they can access the coupon but it shouldn’t be difficult or consuming. 

There are a number of Coupon Apps that make it easy to create a 
Facebook Like Gate coupon, with the coupon codes built in.  

A decent Coupon App makes it easier for you to design your own coupons 
right on Facebook. When the coupon is right on, Facebook it is also easier 
to share it.

Don’t forget to include your call to action with all of your Facebook Page 
marketing to ensure you grow your fans and likes the way you want to. 
It’s the most common mistake that Page owners make and what then happens 
is you do all the hard work and don’t get the results you want. 

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