Unknown Facts about iPhones

Posted by Jenny Jonson
May 23, 2016

That's so cool! But, most of us are unaware of many facts apart from what the news and blogs have to say.

Here, I've listed some of the fascinating unknown facts for a better insight on our favourite iPhones.

Fact # 1

Where did the name iPhone come from? Before Apple associated with the name of iPhone, it was Cisco who had named their VOIP phones as an iPhone. Surprised? Wait for the shocker. Actually, Cisco had also sued Apple for using the name iPhone for their smartphones. But, later both the companies reached a mutual settlement on the issue.

Fact # 2

The concept of iPhone dates back to 1983. Yes, that's true! Computer developer Hartmut Esslinger had designed a landline phone that had similar features as that of the iPhones and iPads. The interface was controlled by a stylus pen. It was just a prototype and was not officially launched. Just imagine how iPhones would look now, if that prototype of the landline phone would have been introduced.

Fact # 3

The iPhone was earlier named "Purple". How weird! It was back when the iPhone was being developed, the developers code-named it as "Purple", and moreover, the section where iPhone development took place, was named "Purple Dorm".

Fact # 4

You can find U2 singer Bono, on every iPhone. The logo for the artist icon on your iPhone is the silhouette of him.

Fact # 5

The processor of iPhones is made by Samsung. Though both are rivals in the smartphone industry, but that's not a reason for Apple to stop producing their computer chips by them.

Fact # 6

With the first iPhone releasing in 2007, the Times Magazine had named it as the Invention of The Year. The reason being, it's immense popularity around the world that started a cry out well before its release.

Fact # 7

Most of the revenue Apple generates is from its iPhones. The smartphone accounts to about 70% of the total revenue of Apple. The company has over $200 billion in the bank all contributed to the high sale of iPhones.

Fact # 8

The retina display is the most expensive component of your iPhone. For iPhone 6s plus, the display costs around $52. After the display, the wireless chips from Qualcomm are the second most expensive component of your iPhone.

Fact # 9

Have you ever wondered, why the default time in iPhone Ads is always 9:41? Former Apple Executive, Scott Forstall explained that during the launch of the new versions, the revelation always happens around 9:40. He also adds that the iPhone is so set that when launched it shows the exact timing on the watches of the audience. And since the launch does not always happen at dot 9:40. They set the timing of the iPhone as 9:41 or 9:42.

Now, that you're well aware of these unknown facts, thus owning an iPhone has become more necessary. The mobile price in Kuwait is quite affordable, thus, if you've made your mind of purchasing an iPhone 6s plus, then what are you waiting for? Book yours now!
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