Unknown and Interesting facts about Mahatma Gandhi

Posted by Stalker R.
Oct 5, 2015

On the birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, let us look at some of the Unknown and Interesting facts about Mahatma Gandhi who is “Father of Nation”   

Here are Interesting and Unknown Facts About Gandhiji

1. Mahatma Gandhi loves walking; he walked/traveled almost 18 kilometers a day throughout his life which is enough to walk twice around the Earth.

Unknown and Interesting facts about Mahatma Gandhi

2. Mahatma Gandhi was nominated 5 times for the Nobel Peace Prize. It was believed that he was going to receive in 1948. But Gandhi was assassinated in January 1948, and the Nobel committee doesn’t award posthumous prizes.

3. Mahatma Gandhi was the first and only Indian to have honored the “TIME Person of the Year” title in 1930.

4. Apple Founder Steve Jobs admire Mahatma Gandhi most- his round glasses are not only similar but also a tribute.

Unknown and Interesting facts about Mahatma Gandhi

5. There are 53 Major roads in India and $8 roads in foreign countries that are named after Gandhi

Unknown and Interesting facts about Mahatma Gandhi

6. While in England in 1931, Gandhi made his first radio broadcast for the United States. The first sentence the people of United States heard was “DO I have to speak into this Thing?”

7. Gandhi supported Britain during First World War. In 1918, he joined a government campaign for Indians to volunteer for British Army

Unknown and Interesting facts about Mahatma Gandhi

8. Poverty in Madurai forced Gandhi to make “Dhoti” as his permanent attire. In 1921 after seeing the people in Madurai with no clothes to wear; Gandhi gave up his cloths and made dhoti as his permanent attire.

9. Gandhi had very Bad Handwriting

Unknown and Interesting facts about Mahatma Gandhi

10. Gandhi is an inspiration to other greatest men like Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela.

Unknown and Interesting facts about Mahatma Gandhi

11. In a letter to Hitler, appealing him to stop the war, Gandhi referred to him as “dear friend”

Unknown and Interesting facts about Mahatma Gandhi

12. Gandhi funeral procession was 8 kilometers long.

Unknown and Interesting facts about Mahatma Gandhi

13. Every Indian is familiar with the photo of Gandhi on Indian Currency notes. But have you heard the story behind that Photograph? The photo was taken by unknown photographer in 1946, where Gandhi was smiling at an unknown person. The mirror image of the same was made as photo on currency notes.

Unknown and Interesting facts about Mahatma Gandhi

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