Understanding Cloud Computing & its Benefits

Posted by Abbas Haider
Jul 23, 2019

With the evolution in the technological landscape, businesses of all sizes, geographies and industries are moving towards the cloud. As per survey published in the leading journal, cloud adoption has increased significantly in the public and private domain. As per Gartnermost companies are expected to adopt cloud-first or cloud-only policies by 2020 owing to low operating cost, improved time to market, better collaboration, and increased flexibility. A recently published study suggests that 33% of organizations are ready to invest in the cloud while 86% of companies are ready to move some part of their IT department to the cloud. Before going through the benefits of cloud computing, lets understand what is cloud?  

Cloud computing is defined as delivery of services via internet. It is basically outsourcing of software, data storage, and processing to cloud vendors. So, instead of keeping files on a proprietary hard drive or local storage device, information and programs are hosted by outside parties and reside on a global network of secure data centers instead of on the user’s hard drive. With cloud computing, data can be accessed and software programs can be run as long as you are connected to internet. In nutshell, the cloud vendor is responsible for maintaining and managing infrastructure as well as resources like data storage, servers, databases, networking, safety, security, and software. 

Benefits of using Cloud Computing 

Cost Effective: - Cloud services lower your operating cost as you don’t need to manage and maintain the infrastructure. Most of the cloud vendors are charging on subscription-based model in which users pay a monthly fee instead of buying licenses. Furthermore, you don’t require to buy servers, software, and keep IT team for data backups which eventually leads to less upfront cost.  

Mobility: - With cloud storage, you get the flexibility to access corporate data via smartphones and devices providing internet connectivity. In organizations where field service is the integral part of operations, users can get access to their works on-the-go via any devices in real-time. Data availability is real-time not only improve operational efficiencies but also increase collaboration as dispersed groups of people can meet virtually and easily share information in real time. 

Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity: - Cloud storage has provided the flexibility to small businesses and start-ups to leverage digital transformation. Even if the small organizations with a tight budget can set up their own servers at their facility, the probability is very low that they have a robust, comprehensive disaster recovery program. Cloud solution providers such as Microsoft Azure, G-suite, AWS, etc have their data centers located across different geographies. So, cloud service providers are more prepared for all kinds of emergency scenarios — from natural disasters to power outages. So, you will get your data, even if your equipment like laptops or PCs, get damaged.  

Scalability: - There is an old proverb that no one size fits all. So, cloud computing enables you to start quickly with less upfront cost with the flexibility to scale-up easily as your business grow. If you require more cloud capacity then you can easily increase that without investing in hardware and physical infrastructure.  

Upgrades: - On-premise deployment models require a significant amount of time and internal resources to manage, maintain and keep the system up-to-date. In case, you are using On-premise ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Software, then upgrades take significant time. However, with cloud storage systems get automatically upgraded with latest software and security updates. Cloud ERP solutions like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central or Oracle NetSuite ERP are built in the cloud and can easily get upgraded unlike traditional ERP solutions.  

Thus, we can infer from the above text that Cloud Computing or storage delivers numerous advantages including the above mentioned as well as Business Intelligence, Machine Learning, IoT, etc. With availability of cloud services as SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), even the small businesses and start-ups can enjoy the power of cloud to get ahead in the competition.  

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