Types of Eating Disorders and their Symptoms & Treatment

Posted by Kathy C.
Sep 19, 2018

Eating disorders are typical set of conditions wherein the person exhibits unhealthy and abnormal patterns of food intake. Eating disorders should never be taken casually since they can have serious repercussions in life. This debilitating disorder breaks all barriers and its consequences are devastating both on the body and mind. The victims definitely require medical help in addition to psychological counseling and assistance so as to overcome this disorder. The journey is undoubtedly ongoing and arduous but well worth the effort.


  It is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of eating disorders but it is observed that they manifest with associated medical and psychological problems such as depression, substance abuse, low self-esteem, emotional turmoil etc


Types of eating disorders

There are different   types of eating disorders. These include;

·         anorexia 

·         nervosa

·         bulimia

·         binge eating

  In addition to these broad categories there are many people who do not fall into one specific category but  they do  exhibit eating disturbances in their everyday life such as Prader- Willi syndrome or Night  eating syndrome   


  On early detection and recognition of the symptoms of eating disorder  the chances of recovery increase . Hence it is very important to know the early warning signs and identify the symptoms;

·         always feeling guilty and depressed after overeating

·         The person keeps eating until uncomfortably full 

·         The persons  frequently eat alone due to being embarrassed over excessive food consumption

·          The person eats faster than usual 

·         The person  consumes large quantities of food, even when not specifically hungry 

·         The person refuses to maintain optimum body weight

·         Skipping meals or taking small portions of food at regular meals

·         Gains weight very fast

·         Experiences acute fear of gaining weight  even if underweight

·         Always concerned about how others perceive his size, shape and  body weight

·         Denial   in admitting  the serious issue of overweight

·          Withdrawal from friends and  social activities

·          Difficulties in concentration

·          Menstrual irregularities in women

·          Extreme  and frequent mood swings

·           Impaired immune functions

·          Dental and skin  problems

·           Muscle weakness

·         Over exercise 


 Effective treatment for eating disorders

Usually the person suffering from eating disorder is treated medically, psychologically and nutritionally. Family support is also recommended by experts. The treatment  plan varies  depending on the severity and type of symptoms .The team of medical experts,  psychotherapists, clinical counselors, nutritionists,  and psychiatrists  working  in eating disorder treatment centers  help to create an effective treatment plan for  treating eating disorders. A combination of psychological therapy, nutrition education, medication and medical monitoring and sometimes medications are an important part of eating disorder treatment. A multidisciplinary approach is essential and proves to be effective in curing eating disorders. The treatment encompasses anti depression medications, gastric intestinal surgeries, yoga,  behavioral therapies  art therapy , equine therapy or even simple self help counseling. Eating disorders need to be handled on a proactive basis and thus a typical standalone mode of treatment will not work. Hence a multi disciplinary approach in eating disorder treatment is generally the ideal way for road to recovery.  

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