Two of the Most Popular DVD/CD Packaging Options

The first impression is really important and businesses take this point really seriously and because of this, they use the best quality DVD and CD packaging while releasing their discs in the markets. Ever since the discs were launched in the markets, there have emerged different kinds of packaging options and all of them have performed really well in their respective eras. However, things have changed entirely now and now, newer and better concepts are landing in the markets on a daily basis. But still, the old school options are present in the markets and trending in some cases. In this post, we will go though some of the most popular DVD and CD packaging options to ever emerge in the markets.
- According to the experts of the book printing industry, this version is ideal for those who want something that looks professional and is inside their budget at the same time.
- Yes, this option is sleek, space saving and commercial while giving and disc a professional personality before it is being launched in the markets.
- These sleeves are often made up of paper or cardboard and they are nothing, but small, empty squares that open either on the top or on the side.
- In some designs, you will also witness a clear plastic window to have a look at the disc cover and read its details.
- The best thing about this kind of DVD/CD packaging option is that the disc stays inside really securely because of the design that is more or less like a snug-envelope.
- You will commonly find this option being used in areas like promotions, singles or demos because of the fact that it is not enough for the entire albums.
- Another reason why this kind of packaging is used the most is that it is also the most economical option present in the market.
- Moreover, other features of this version are that it is thin, lightweight and inexpensive and all these features make this version ideal for mail slots, handouts and giveaways.
- The best option in terms of sleeves types DVD and CD packaging is the cardboard wallets that are the most professional looking in terms of appearance.
Jewel Cases
- The next option given by the experts of DVD and CD duplication is given the name of jewel cases and this version is also very popular in terms of usage.
- This version is basically made up of plastic and has a tray inside that is there to hold the disc at its place and there is also a room inside or booklet with the print or artwork.
- There is also a cogged hub inside the case to hold the disc in its place.
- According to the experts; this option is considered the best for those looking for an economical and versatile option at the same time.
- However, the biggest drawback is that the plastic could be really brittle and could be susceptible to cracking or breaking, thereby damaging the disc or putting it at risk.
- Other than the plastic, the hinges used in this version are also not very robust and can get weak or wear away because of overuse.
- However, there is some good news too and the biggest one is that this version is now getting upgraded and not stronger and better-quality plastic is being used in the manufacturing process.
- There are several options present in terms of jewel cases and the top names in this regard is the slimline and slim-double type.
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