Trending 2014 with Exclusive Ecommerce Solutions Dubai

Posted by Alan David
Feb 14, 2014

Online business now resembles the operations of a banking system. December and January are the months of closing down new trend and setting up the new ones. For a next level ecommerce, you need to immediately pick up the new trends, which change every year. Following are the ecommerce solutions Dubai which guarantee your success in 2014.

Connect Through Multi-Channels

In previous years, different customers used different streams of shopping. However; the current trends show the utilization of various channels by a single customer. Big businesses have not been affected much by a change in this trend. But small and medium businesses need to provide more options to a single customer if they truly want to gain profits this year.

Track Your Data Through Multiple Devices

Before the expansion of a business on multi-channels, it is very important to track the interest of customers in specific channels. The audiences might use different channels however some of them dominate the others. Apart from Google Analytics, you should also use other data collection sources for tracking the interest of customers.

Make Your E-Business Screen Friendly

2013 was the year of tablets and mobile phones. 2014 is the year of phablets and smartwatches. The screen sizes are tremendously changing and a responsive website is the one which caters this problem efficiently. Small businesses should strictly check the responsiveness of their websites throughout the year as new screen sizes will be introduced this year.

No More SEO In Ecommerce

Among all the Ecommerce solutions Dubai, the most important one is to ignore SEO tactics and focus more on the quality. Customers subscribe or remember the e-businesses which target the modern lifestyle trends.

Stay Away From Big Market Trends

The international names are often pronounced to steal business from the smaller names. A small business cannot come and stand by the big names in a few months only. For small merchants, e-commerce solutions Dubai suggest a qualitative competition rather than size competition. Identify the business ideologies of big names and construct different routes.

Move Forward From Facebook and Email Marketing

Emails and Facebook are undoubtedly good sources of marketing. However; the customers are expanding their networks of connectivity. Therefore; the business owners and merchants also need to expand their networks. Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest have become prominent business platforms. A perfect strategy is to connect your social networking sites for securing time and targeting more audience at once.

Become User-Centric

The trend of ‘customer is always right’ has hit the market with great strength. A continuous increment in the options has made the survival even more difficult for the businesses. The best solution is to make your business user-centric. A 24/7 availability, physical appearance and quick service to customer queries will add more.

Give More Than Online Presence

According to the research, the businesses which provide online inquiry or live chat option are admired more by the customers. Similarly, other sources of 24/7 access to the customer service representatives develop direct customer business relationship. In 2014, you need to give more than just online presence.

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