Treat Your Ingrown Toenail with Ingrown Toenail Repair Kit

Your big toe is most likely to get an ingrown toenail. Ingrown toenails occur when the edges or corners of your nails grow into the skin next to the nail. You can treat ingrown toenails at home.
Ingrown toenails occur in both men and women. Ingrown toenails may be more common in people with sweaty feet, such as teenagers. Older people may also be at higher risk because toenails thicken with age.
Many things can cause an ingrown toenail, including: cutting toenails incorrectly cut straight across, since angling the sides of the nail can encourage the nail to grow into the skin, irregular, curved toenails, footwear that places a lot of pressure on the big toes, such as socks and stockings that are too tight or shoes that are too tight, narrow, or flat for your feet, toenail injury, including stubbing your toe, dropping something heavy on your foot, or kicking a ball repeatedly, poor posture, improper foot hygiene, such as not keeping your feet clean or dry genetic predisposition.
Activities in which you repeatedly kick an object or put pressure on your feet for long periods of time can cause toenail damage and increase your risk of ingrown toenails. These activities include: ballet, football, kickboxing, soccer. Using your feet extensively during athletic activities can make you especially prone to getting ingrown toenails.
Ingrown toenails can be painful, and they usually worsen in stages. Early-stage symptoms include: skin next to the nail becoming tender, swollen, or hard, pain when pressure is placed on the toe, fluid building up around the toe.
If your toe becomes infected, symptoms may include: red, swollen skin, pain, bleeding, oozing pus, overgrowth of skin around the toe. Ingrown toenails should be treated as soon as symptoms appear, especially if the person has diabetes, nerve damage in the foot or leg, or poor circulation in the foot. Otherwise, complications can occur. The patient should see a doctor if:they have diabetes or a circulatory problem, symptoms do not go away, an infection develops.
A healthcare professional may remove some of the nail that is pushing into the skin. They may need to remove a portion of the nail and the underlying nail bed to prevent the problem from coming back.
As the nail grows back, the healthcare provider may place a piece of cotton wool under the nail to stop it from digging into the skin again. It is important to change the cotton wool every day. Thinking about Toenail treatment pain? Choose pain free treatment with quality Ingrown Toenail Repair Kit. The Invisi-Brace is a flexible piece of plastic that acts like a spring, gently straightening and lifting the sides of the toenail, minimizing pressure against the skin. Improve your nails with the right toenail repair kit.