Travis Boak’s 2019 Home Architecture Checklist

Posted by Smith Maxwell
Feb 28, 2019

A new year calls for new home adjustments. After all our lives change every year and it  only makes sense to remould our surroundings accordingly. And architecture, like all other industries is renewing itself. So, from where do architects draw their inspiration? Our ecosystem! Architects have the most crucial work profile to hone when it comes to serving both humans and mother nature. Which is why they look out for designs, materials, trends, sustainability measures to help us design a home.

In 2019, here is what architects from around the globe and Travis Boak can vouch for to rule the home architecture checklist:

1. Eco Walls

Taking on environment issues head-on, architects are using green design more and more. These include Live Walls - where an entire section of the house, a wall, is of potted plants, creepers, the works. These look amazing in urban setups, and help maintain natural airflow and sunlight.

2. Space Portability

Another major movement seen across the globe is portable home architecture, which gives more in less. Intelligent storage spaces, flexible work desks, modular walls and shelves all aid in becoming the modern home for the neo-urbanist.

3. Smart Home

AI integrated lighting and sound choices are going big. With the Alexa’s and Siri’s assisting our lifestyles from morning to night. These are easy to use, require one time investment when it comes to building your home, and provide lifetime worth flexibility. Thus, making smart home technology an obvious addition to our home architect. Imagine how cool it would be to control and ease into your home chores with the click of a button?

Another trend observed in smart homes is the micro-climate feature. Which controls and adjusts the climate, UV light levels of a room as you move around.

4. Solar Rooftops

While we are talking about sustainable living spaces, we better not forget solar powered homes. They are all the rage because of no-bulk installation and  versatile style ability. And they are more cost-effective than traditional solar panels. Solar rooftops are a clear win-win!

 5. Spaced Out

2019 will continue to see the need for spacious interiors and exteriors. Open spaces bring in the element of a large household, give residents the head-space to be their creative best, and make the home appear regal. All at the same time!

Having put two and two together, tell us which of the upcoming architect trends will we see dominating your home? We are all ears!


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