Total & Intense Body Workout with Turf

Posted by David J.
Mar 11, 2022

Artificial turf is not just for sports fields, putting courses, and landscaping—it can be an amazing and powerful substitute for HIIT and Gym flooring. If professionals and athletes can perform sports activities on the turf, then non-professional and health enthusiasts can also perform turf workout to achieve their health and fitness goals. In the following article, we will take you through some amazing options that you can try on artificial turf. 


Total and Intense Body Exercises 

Artificial turf can be a huge part of a routine developed to build endurance, flexibility, balance, speed, agility, power and strength. It offers a supreme surface for a broad range of activities to help you achieve your health goals. 


Common Turf Sled Workouts 

Sledge workouts are usually used by the performers for power, speed and strength training. Sledges are quite heavy and need an accurate surface to practice. You will require a slick yet resistant surface to make it perform well while providing enough grip for feet. 


Though, athletes use sledges outdoors on grass, with a great-quality turf you can bring them indoors and work out anytime, anywhere. If you want your trainer to train without exposure to sunlight, grass stains and mud, then turf is one of the best options for you. 


Artificial turf offers a great surface for individuals to do sledge workouts at the same place where they perform cardio, HIIT, and weight training. 


Some examples of sledge exercises consist of: 

Slider partner sledge, Heavy bag sledge drag, Box sledge push, Kettlebell sledge drag, Double or single kettlebell sledge push, Crawl with sledge drag, Lateral with sledge drag, Sled drag and row, Reverse drag, Sled drag, Sled fighting, Bunny hops, Low sledge push and Sled push. 


By combing the above-given exercises, you can achieve your goals of making your muscles strengthened and toned and get an athletic body. 


Turf Speed & Agility Exercises: ladder footwork drills & football training drills

Ladder and football training drills are developed to improve your speed and agility by training your muscles to swiftly change the position & direction, decelerate and accelerate.  

Artificial turf is the best product for such kinds of drills including ladder footwork drills as it will make your muscles trained in a way to move around and fast naturally. It also helps in putting a good bounce in each step without any fear of slipping or tripping.
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