Top six ways to facilitate your dissertation writing process

Posted by James Smith
Apr 8, 2020

Dissertation, thesis, research paper presentations might seem easy since they do not judge the memory power of a student rather the applicability of the knowledge that one has in the subject. Dissertation writing might as well seem like a coherent piece of essay on a particular topic but is way beyond that, given the intricacies of methodological underpinnings; the research aim and questions; the approach taken; data analysis techniques; kind of literature to be referred to; all of which contributes to the making of a proper dissertation. Apart from written examinations, dissertations form an important part of academic assignments, and are quite challenging as tasks which however can be properly executed if attempted the proper way. The following six methods can be quite help with dissertation writing.

Conceptual clarity — Dissertations, be it following the qualitative or the quantitative approach, has to reflect a clear understanding of the concepts which are related to the subject. Without demonstration of the conceptual clarity and without adequate efforts to build up the connection with the subject being discussed with the concepts, the writing of the dissertation shall not be proper.

Proper narrowing down of the research topic — When writing a dissertation, one might as well feel that in order to do justice to the size of the dissertations, one must incorporate multiple issues to it. It is however a misconception and the number of issues being incorporated must be analyzed and connected properly to each other. The connection must be concrete and not vague and any ambiguity shall lead to the writing of a dissertation which shall be of poor academic standard.

Regular consultation with the Supervisors — Dissertations being huge in size and completed over a period of time it is thus necessary that the dissertation be supervised and evaluated on a regular basis from the teacher concerned. It is necessary as the concerned supervisor shall be able to provide the best feedback and give valuable suggestions as to how can the dissertation be enhanced further by incorporating the missing elements and also removing the unwanted ones in order to bring about coherence to the dissertation being written.

Proper literature review — Referring to the appropriate literature is extremely necessary for the purpose of making up for the content of the dissertation. Hence it is necessary that proper literature, both primary and secondary documents be referred to in order to ensure that the writing and the quality of the dissertation be of proper academic acumen. The literature to be incorporated must be paraphrased and not quoted verbatim unless there is a need for it. What paraphrasing does it preserves the meaning and the sense of a particular idea conveyed through a particular choice of words, just that the choice of words used by the original author are not copied verbatim.Even if a passage is quoted verbatim it must be properly analyzed and explained.

Paraphrasing — It is the most common, the most generic and the easiest way of avoiding plagiarism. Paraphrasing refers to the process of rewriting a scholarly material by means of using one’s own words. In order to be adept at paraphrasing, it is necessary that one is quite proficient with the grammar in order to rephrase a scholarly material into one’s own words. Proper usage of the figures of speech and the utilization of the styles of transformation of sentences such as usage of passive voice, writing in indirect speech et cetera are the generic high school grammar lesson which come handy when dealing with the task of avoiding plagiarism.

Connecting the chapters properly — A dissertation is supposed to have sections and it could be in form of chapters or in form of headings which depends upon the need of the essay. Some dissertations demand that it be broken down in form of sub sections or headings and some others demand that the dissertation be done in form of chapters. Whichever be the case, it is essential that the sub-sections be it in form of headings or in form of chapters be properly connected to each other or else the factor of coherence from the dissertation shall be dissertation shall be lost. A dissertation which is written without giving due importance to the factor of proper efforts for the purpose of building connection and coherence cannot be called to be having a good quality.

These steps if followed, the quality of the dissertation written shall surely be of extremely of very high standard and shall be guaranteeing very high grades. These six steps to be followed are not an exhaustive set of guidelines to be followed, however these can be treated as the most important ones and must not be skipped.


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