Top Nodejs Trends to Follow in 2021

Posted by Sarbjit Grewal
Jul 12, 2021

After AngularJS, Nodejs is another JavaScript technology that has won the hearts of millions of developers around the world. According to a report, around 500 companies use Node JS development, and approximately 175,542 websites are built using Node JS development services.
Nodejs is one of the most popular and reliable JavaScript technology used for web and mobile app development. In actual, Nodejs is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment developed on Google Chrome's V8 search engine. With the emerging popularity of Node JS, it is started to use in 60-70% of web apps development. Another benefit of using Node JS for web development is that it has an open-source community, which is very easy to use and understand. What's more, it is known for its multi-request handling. Due to the immense number of benefits of Node JS development, some of the reputed and well-known brands and companies are using Node JS for web and mobile app development. Here is the list of some famous companies that use Node JS for the web and mobile app development services:

Here, in this article, we will shed light on the latest trends in Node JS development. You can follow these Node JS development trends to beat your competitors in this technological world. Let's begin with it:

Before digging deeper, let's talk about the trending Node JS frameworks available for developers for better efficiency and performance. Nodejs, being a robust environment for development, makes the web development process stronger and faster. The developers' trust becomes more robust when the Node JS team launches the remarkable Node JS frameworks for efficient web and mobile app development.

Best Nodejs Frameworks for the Developers

Top Features of Nodejs Development Trends 2021

Real-time applications
No doubt, everyone is looking for a web and mobile apps that are lightweight and efficient enough to provide better performance. Real-time applications fit better in this category since real-time applications are lightweight and supply lightning speed to the end-users. Hence, Node JS development will be proved as the best for the development of real-time applications in the coming years.

Cloud Computing
Obviously, a huge crowd of developers and users are moving towards cloud computing services. Although Node JS is serverless itself, it still works best with the cloud computing services to develop cloud-based apps and scaling the existing ones.

Serverless Web App Development
As we know, Node JS offers a serverless and hardware-less environment that provides features like easy maintenance, time-saving, cost-saving, etc. So, Node JS technology can be used to improve the overall performance of serverless web applications.

IoT App Development
The demand for IoT applications is increasing day by day; as mentioned earlier, Node JS provides real-time capabilities and micro-services. Since IoT apps generally need to handle a lot of user requests, So, Node JS is a perfect technology for the development of IoT-based applications.


Nodejs has become one of the booming technology from the family of JavaScript frameworks. The applications developed using Node JS technology are considered as best to give fierce competition to other technologies. That's why Node JS is chosen as part of the MEAN and MERN stack. I hope you will like this article. It helps you in knowing the popular Node JS trends 2021.

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