Top 4 Vital Tips to become Better Parents in 2020

Posted by Moorthy Machendran
Feb 10, 2020
  1. Parenting is not a piece of cake
  2. Parents should make decisions based on their child’s interests
  3. There are no perfect parents in this world
  4. Becoming a role model is important in parenting


What is parenting?             

No parent is a pundit in bringing up their children from infancy to adults perfectly. The journey for every parent will be different because of their responsibilities and goals. In my opinion, a better parent is the one who focuses on teaching morals to their children. The kids are more likely to become emotionally, mentally, and socially stronger, if their parents are consistently responsive towards them.

In a study carried out by the National Academy of Sciences has revealed that there are four important responsibilities of a parent. They must,

  • Hone the social skills of their kids
  •  Must focus on the Health and safety of their kids
  •  Support their children emotionally
  • Making their children intellectually stronger.

Parents should not indulge into unhealthy parenting practices such as "helicopter parenting", where they monitor their child excessively without letting them face the harm's way and second when parents remove some potential obstacles from their child ' path, it is known as "snowplow parenting". Unfortunately, these two parenting techniques will cause a weak development of self-esteem and mental health for children. Moreover, good manners are like the getaway to success, therefore follow these Top 13 good manners your kids


Now, I will discuss the top 4 parenting skill for 2020 in brief.

Become the Role Model for your Child                                                                                            

Your children are likely to learn and behave like the way you carry yourself in front of them. Therefore, being a role model to your child will help them become a more successful person in their life. You should be able to teach them consistently without boundaries and guide them with clear expectations and relevant consequences and rewards to handle their problems more successfully.

Disrespecting others in front of your children will convey them a negative message, as they will feel that the other people are not important. Therefore, respect your children and encourage all your family members to treat each other with care and love.

Avoid Personalising your Behaviour

Your behaviour will easily get personalised when you fight with your child. The behaviour is straight away directed at you. And whenever your child breaks the rule that you have set, you feel as they are disrespecting you. But, don’t take the matter personally because it reminds yourself that even if your child’s inappropriate behaviour is directed at you, it’s not about you.

The process might be tedious and hideous but don’t lose your focus on your child and their inappropriate behaviour and not on how their behaviour makes you feel. If you can cope up with it, then you will be more effective and your temperament will be under control.


Love Your Child Unconditionally

Love is contagious.  Even if love is more, it cannot spoil your children. They become spoilt when you pamper them with these things in the name of love: leniency, low expectation, over-protection, and material indulgence. When these things take the place of real love, then things drift in other directions.

In my opinion, you must replace those above-mentioned things with hugs, and spending time with your child and listen to their issues seriously. By these kinds of acts, feeling good hormones such as opioids, oxytocin, and prolactin will be released in your child. These hormones have the potential to trigger a deep sense of calm, emotional warmth and contentment in your child. Apparently, it will also help your child develop resilience over time.


Be firm and affirmative

In most of the situation, spark positive experiences to your child. It will help them become more resistant to depression or poor mental health as adults. The positive experiences will not only create good connections in your child’s brain, but they also form the memories of you that your child carries for life.

Discipline must be a positive one. It is possible for you to practise positive discipline and avoid punitive measures.

New research has revealed that if children have more positive experiences, then they are more likely to have strong social and emotional support systems in their early adulthood.


 Final Thoughts

These parenting tips should help you to raise your children efficiently. Before moving ahead, take some time to understand your child as deeply as possible. At the end of the day, you will feel proud of becoming a good parent. Always keep one thing in mind that parents just like you working right alongside you. Know that you are not in this alone in this journey.

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