Top 2020 Trends to Know Before Hiring a Web Application Development Company

Posted by Miltan Chaudhury
Dec 24, 2020

With the use of 2020 web app trends and a professional web application development company to implement them, you can acquire great heights. To know what are those secret trends before others, read the full article.

Are you ready to dive into the latest technology trends of web apps? Then you have come to the right place. Today, our topic of discussion will mainly focus on this theme.

It is crucial to always keep your web app updated no matter when you build it. This is one of the main reasons people are advised to go for customized applications as such apps can be updated anytime. Rather than waiting for updates in ready-made applications.

But, even if you have decided to go for the modern trends of 2020 and found a professional web application development company for the task, there is still a question. Is that all you require?

There is important information that you are still missing, i.e. the 2020 trends itself. You have to know the trends yourself to implement them perfectly in your web app.

If you want to know about the 2020 web app trends, go through the content below.

Trending features to must-have in your web app in 2020

Going for Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

One of the latest website technology that is becoming widely popular around the world is PWAs. It is a website that functions like native mobile apps. It makes use of the emerging tech and HTML 5 which gives it the power of a website’s wide reach and accessibility of a mobile app.

Here are the four key technologies one can explore with PWA:

1.    Faster loading time

2.    Privacy and data integrity

3.    Offline support

4.    Home screen accessibility

You can clearly see from the above how PWAs are different from the traditional web apps in a better way.

Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Chatbot

The world-famous global research and advisory firm Gartner predicted,

By 2020, customers will manage 85% of their relationship with the enterprise without interacting with a human.”

And an amazing example of the above-mentioned prediction is the AI-enhanced Chatbots. The chatbots have become an integral part of websites. Most of the queries of a website’s visitor can be fulfilled with Chatbot if AI is integrated with it. The AI lets the Chatbots collect information that helps them analyze and learn. This helps the Chatbots to grow and provide more accurate answers to the website’s visitors.

Some of the key features of having AI-powered Chatbots are as follow:

1.    Enhanced customer satisfaction with human intervention.

2.    Diminishing man-made errors.

3.    Saving time and money

4.    More quality user experience

5.    Growth in the customer base


One thing that every web app owner must understand is the performance should never be compromised. While going for JavaScript, you must understand that it makes huge calculations slowly. This directly affects user performance. It is one of the prime reasons many popular games are launched on the native desktop app.

But, a web application development agency with WebAssembly developers can change the game for web apps. With this technology, you can compile programming language code into bytecode. Then it can be easily run in a browser.

What makes WebAssembly a better option?

1.    Make use of the hardware capabilities to be portable and efficient.

2.    By utilizing import and export, it builds modular binaries.

3.    Can be integrated with the existing platform.

Hope, now you know about the trending techs to look for while selecting a web application development company. Remember, staying in the trend is a great way to stay ahead and successful.

Mr. Miltan Chaudhury utilizes such emerging techs to build web apps with a team of skilled developers in his organization, Openweb Solutions. This is what makes Openweb, a highly successful web application development company.

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