Tips & Tricks to Make Relocation for College Easier

Posted by Regina Thomas
Nov 28, 2022

Tips & Tricks to Make Relocation to College Easier

Moving to college can be a daunting task. There's a lot to do between trying to figure out what to take and how to get it all there to get a new place to live and make friends; it feels like there's a lot to do! Read on for tips and tricks to make relocation to college easier.

1. Figure Out Your Finances

One of the essential things to do before moving is to figure out your finances. How much money do you have saved up? How much can you borrow in student loans? What kind of jobs can you get in the area? Knowing exactly how much money you have to work with will assist you to figure out what kind of living situation is right for you.

2. Research Neighborhoods

Not all neighborhoods are created equal, so it's important to do your research before choosing where to live. Make a list of priorities – like how close the neighborhood is to campus, how safe it is, and how much rent costs – and then start checking out different areas until you find one that fits your needs.

3. Find Roommates

If possible, try to find roommates before moving. This will make finding a place to live much easier, and it will also be more affordable than living alone. You can ask friends or family members if they know anyone looking for roommates or use online resources.

4. Pack Smart

Packing can be daunting, but if you pack smartly, it won't be as bad as you think. Start by dividing your belongings into four categories: must-haves, should-haves, could-haves, and never-haves. Then pack the must-haves and should-haves in suitcases and boxes and put the could-haves and never-haves in storage until after you've moved. This will make unpacking much more stress-free once you get to your new place.

5. Label Everything

Labeling everything when you're packing is important, especially if you're doing it yourself. Not only will this make unpacking easier, but it will also help prevent any accidents during the move (like items getting misplaced or lost). Use different colors of tape or markers to differentiate between boxes, suitcases, and furniture pieces.

6. Ship Your Belongings ahead of Time if Possible

Moving to college can be a hectic and overwhelming experience, but there are ways to make it stress-free on yourself. One tip to remember is to ship your suitcases ahead of time if possible. You can ship your items or even ship your car to another state so you don’t have to drive it all the way there. 

This will save you from having to deal with packing everything up at the last minute and can also save time and effort during the actual move-in process. Of course, this may not always be an option depending on timing and budget constraints, but it's worth considering as a way to simplify your relocation for college.

7. Get Insurance for Your Belongings

If something happens during the move – like a box gets dropped and all of your dishes break inside – it's important to have insurance for your belongings. This way, if anything does happen, you won't have to worry about replacing everything on your dime. Talk to your parents about getting renters or homeowner's insurance if they haven't already set it up for you.

8. Make Sure all of Your Paperwork is in Order

The last thing you want is something as simple as paperwork to unnecessarily hold up your move. Be sure to gather all the documents related to your college relocation ahead of time: acceptance letters, financial aid information, and campus maps). This way, when it comes time to move, everything will be ready to go, and there won't be any last-minute surprises.

9. Connect with other Students Who are Relocating

It can be really helpful (and reassuring) to connect with other students going through the same thing as you. Not only will they have some great advice, but they can also act as a support system throughout the entire process.


Relocating for college can be a daunting task, but if you follow these tips, it will be much easier. From packing smart to getting insurance for your belongings, being prepared ahead of time will make the whole process much smoother. And don't forget to take advantage of resources offered by your school – they can be a big help.



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