Tips to Help Your Pets Adjust to Post-COVID Life

Posted by Monkoo Dog
Jul 30, 2021

While the global pandemic had many of us struggling to accept and adjust to the new normal of being mostly confined to our homes following the COVID-19 safety precautions, there were some amongst us who secured an elating time from it all.


Lapping up quality time with their Hoo-man and having them constantly underfoot was undoubtedly the perfect idea of heaven for our four-legged companions.


However, with life slowly but steadily returning to the "old" normal, with people heading back to work and school outside the home, the drastic shift will be quite jarring for our furry friends. In fact, just like humans, Dogs are organisms of habit and a drastic change in their routine can be extremely stressful, which can be manifested in a variety of ways such as physical illness, separation anxiety, or depression.


Having said that, it is understandable that change can be extremely unpleasant, however, the good news is with certain measures and steps you can help your pooch adjust and accept the transition to the Post-COVID Life. Read on to discover some tips to help your pooch adjust to being away from you for periods of time.


1.     With baby steps, accustom your pet to your absence.

The same can be attained by gradually increasing the amount of time you spend away from your home and your pooch. For example, you can start initially by adopting certain motions of departure such as, picking up your keys and wallet and heading to the door but actually leave. Following this, you may go out for a few minutes a number of times throughout the day so that your Dog eventually habituates to your leaving and returning back home. This will assist your pooch in adjusting to the new routine.


2.     Create a stimulating routine for your pooch.

It is absolutely important to ensure that your canine friend is getting the required stimulation and exercise. Instill a habit of taking your furry companion for a morning walk. Besides that, try to spend about 20 minutes playing with your pooch. Getting the required stimulation early in the day will help your dog relax later. Remember this will be an early highlight of your dog’s day-don’t skip it, to ensure more time napping later than wondering.

Additionally, you can provide your dog with interactive toys such as a puzzle treat dispenser for dogs, laser pointers, or wand toys. You can also give your dog frozen treats such as a Kong toy stuffed with frozen peanut butter. Treats will help to entertain your doggo and keep them occupied when they are home alone.


3.     Pet Daycare or Day Boarding Options.

All dogs are different and it’s quite understandable that some may simply not adjust to separation or isolation. In such cases, you can adopt the options of Dog day boardings. This will help your pooch socialize with other canine pals and spend engaging playtime under supervision.


4.     DO NOT crate your dog.

Especially when they are to be alone, for hours at a time. IN addition to sore muscles, it will lead to anxiety, frustration, and depression.


5.     Watch out for stress-related behavior.

Such as lack of appetite, pacing continuously, overgrooming, can be signs of serious illness, and your pet may be facing serious issues adjusting alone. In such cases, seek medical help for your pooch. Fix an appointment with your vet


Remember change can be difficult and unpleasant. However, with the right adoptive method, prepare your pooch for the best.
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