Tips to Help You Overcome Writers BLOCK

Posted by Cindy Bolley
Jun 30, 2022

47895_10151326760983268_1669523669_nPeople tell me that it is very hard to think of something to write about. The ideas for content are just not there…. I thought I would share a tip with you, one that I have been using for years. and you are going to love this part… it is FREE.. one of my favorite words.

You have all heard it said that a picture is worth 1000 words…. I find that to be very true. I will admit right up front that I have a very good imagination. If I am shown an image of something…. I am able to write about it, and you can too. It is easy.

If I were to show you an image of something and then asked you to comment on it….. Your comment would be what you would write about. Your simply expanding on your comment….

Let me give you an example…. I got the most wonderful image of a gal with a dazzling pearly white smile. I did a post about a product that was able to produce that Sparkling Smile. Most people would of written an article and then gone looking for the perfect image to go with it…. I do it just the opposite. I look at an image and then think about how to use it in an article.

I look for images at They have at least a zillion FREE images to chose from.. Ok Ok maybe I exaggerated a bit but they do have lots. The topic does not matter to me… I am one who has imagination as well as vision. Give me an image and I will give you a post.

Added TIP… If by chance your not able to relay it back to the subject that you want …simple put a bit of a blurb about the AUTHOR (You) at the bottom.. with of course a link back to your business.

People look for good original content.. they don’t want to read copy and paste crap. Sam and Joe also look for good original content.

You can never say that you are not able to think about anything to write about…. Was I able to do this the very first time I tried? Of course not. But… I never quit.

Go ahead… give me a topic using this image….. Everyone who sees it will be able to think of a different topic to post about. What would you use this image for?

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