Tips To Evaluate Yellow Sapphire Quality

Posted by Gemstone Expert
Jan 6, 2018
Yellow Sapphire is one of the most loved gemstones in the world. Their durability and long life make them an investment worth having. However, there are cases where people may not get the right quality yellow sapphires due to the presence of synthetic stones and imitations. 

For many years now, yellow sapphires are being created in laboratories and sold as pure and natural gemstones. As a matter of fact, with the advancement in technology, there are techniques that imitate gemstones in such a manner that differentiating a synthetic stone from a natural one with the naked eye is not possible. 

To avoid falling prey to such unscrupulous sellers, it is important to ensure that the quality of the stone that you are buying is absolutely pure. Here are a few tips that you must consider when it comes to evaluating yellow sapphire quality:

Know what is a Synthetic Yellow Sapphire

You may not know it, but yellow sapphires that are synthetic are real yellow sapphires. They are created in such a way that their chemical composition is almost same as that of natural yellow sapphires. This is the reason why you may see many synthetically created yellow sapphires in yellow sapphire jewelry. However, if you are paying for a natural gemstone and getting a synthetic one in reality, then the seller would be held liable for selling undisclosed synthetic gemstone to you. In order to avoid such a situation, it is important to appraise your chosen gem from an independent gemology laboratory.

Learn about Yellow Sapphire Origins & Colors

There is no denying that just like many other gemstones, yellow sapphires are also available in different regions of the world. There are several minerals found in various parts of the world that may lead to the formation of stunning yellow sapphires. 

While Sri Lanka is the primary source of these stunning sapphires, these are also increasingly found in places like Australia, Madagascar, Tanzania, and Thailand. The best quality yellow sapphires are the ones found in Sri Lanka, which are also known as the Ceylon Sapphires.

Just with the different origins, the colors of these gemstones also differ. From pastel light yellow to golden yellow or orangish-yellow, there is a wide range of colors that have a great impact on the quality of the yellow sapphire.

It is believed that a medium vibrant canary is one of the best quality yellow sapphires available in this day and age. The brighter the color of the yellow sapphire, the more is its quality.

Yellow Sapphire Treatments and Quality 

Almost every natural gemstone comes with some inclusions. In order to improve their quality, at times, these stones are treated to remove their inclusions and improve their color tone as well as saturation. From heat treatments to diffusion treatments and Beryllium treatments, several treatments are conducted to improve the quality of the yellow sapphires. However, untreated gemstones are believed to be the best in quality as they are rarer to find and have amazing value as well. If you are looking for untreated and unheated yellow sapphire gemstone, then is best suppliers for you. They have fabulous variety of yellow sapphires for both astrology and jewelry purpose. Their gemstones are natural and certified by GemLab. 

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