Tips to Create an Essential eCommerce Site

Posted by Kit Gana
Aug 5, 2013

E-commerce is a rather competitive business bearing the fact that your fellow rivals are just a single click away from you. Should your site prove a little problematic, a customer will not hesitate to log out in search for another easily navigable site. For you to ensure that you are a choice of many then you have to ensure that your site is user friendly. Having a wide range of products does not guarantee you an equal number of customers. Here are some tips to help you create an essential e-commerce website.

  1. Avoid lengthy sign-up forms

Lengthy sign-up forms that extend to several pages are discouraging to customers. These sign-up forms take most of the customers’ time which is not a good feature of e-commerce websites. For an e-commerce website, you do not require to know details such as customer contacts and occupation. You should also ensure that call-to-action buttons such as ‘join now’ and ‘buy online’ stand out against the background.

  1. Allow product viewing

Allow visitors to view the products on sale without having to sign-up first. This is a positive step towards attracting customers and especially retaining your customers. You can have them register when they decide to buy.

  1. Search function

Search function is a very important key in e-commerce website designs. It enables for easier navigation by letting the customer search for their preferred products. The customer has a chance to key-in the commodity they want and searching for that specific commodity. This search function is also greatly recommended for sites offering a wide variety of commodities.

  1. Show steps

Showing the steps that a customer has made when buying a commodity is very important as it enables customers to know where they stand at the moment and also how far they are to go. This is also important as it enables one to go a step back to correct some details. This makes the customers feel in control of the process and thus enjoy the buying process.

  1. Security

Security has of late become a matter of concern due to fraud. Thus you have to convince your customers that their security is guaranteed. Customers feel confident and encouraged when assured of their security. You should ensure your e-commerce website has certificates such as ‘Hacker Safe’, ‘VeriSign’ and SSL as they make customers trust you. Also ensure they are updated.

About the Author

Web Oracle is a leading web design and development company based in South Melbourne Australia. We specialise in website design, eCommerce websites and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

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