Tips on Getting the Most Out Of Pre-Arranged Funeral Services

Posted by Zara Smith
Mar 5, 2021
Pre-planning a funeral might sound a very hard thing to do, but the fact is that the same decision can help you prevent your family from unexpected financial burdens. At the same time, this can be used as an opportunity to ensure that your post-death ceremony would be carried out the way you want and most importantly, all the wishes would be carried out even if you are no more. 

A number of steps are taken as a part of pre-arranged funeral services to make are that the family stays prevented from financial pressure and pressure of taking crucial decisions while in an immense emotional stress. 

Here in this post, we have covered some of them.

Make Sure You Have an Up-to-Date Will-

To ease the burden off the family’s shoulders, make sure that you have an updated will and if you don’t have it, it’s important to get it as soon s possible. In the absence of an official will, there is always an uncertainty regarding what to do and how to divide your assets. 

Moreover, the absence of a will can also make your family fight over the assets and no wise person would like this. Because of this, the importance of a will is so high in any situation and must in pre-paid funerals plans.

Decide What to Do With What Remains - 

People generally have two options to choose in terms of body disposal. One is the burial while the other is cremation, where the body is reduced to ashes. These ashes are known as cremains or remains and as a part of pre-arranged funeral services, your family members would be given these cremains. 

It’s your choice totally what do with them and based on your choice, you can mention the same in the contract letter. The role of the funeral director would be to ensure that the cremains are handled just as you had wanted.


According to the experts of pre-arranged funeral services, a typical funerals service would include viewing, visitation and service. In the process, the hearse is responsible to move the body to the funeral location or the cemetery location. Some charges would be imposed and the top expenses are related to embalming, dressing the remains and renting the site for the service. 

Charges related to caskets would also be there and the cost would mainly depend upon the type of material used like wood, fibreboard, fibreglass or even plastic. The average cost is somewhere around 2000 dollars, but customised, decorated and fancy caskets can be as dear as 10000 dollars. 

Direct burials/cremations-

Another method of disposing the body is called burial or cremation and in the process of burial, the body is buried under the ground. In the process of burial, the memorial services can be organised and "no viewing" as well as "no embalming" is also the option. These options can be very useful, handy and can be very handy in saving you a good amount of money.

It is very fruitful to shop around for all these things before taking any decision.

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