Three Advantages of Open Rhinoplasty

Posted by Rhinoplasty India
Sep 14, 2018

Open Rhinoplasty is one of the methods to perform nose surgery. In this technique, cartilages of the nose are exposed by removing the back of the skin. This is where a small incision is made on the columella by the surgeon. It is the column of the skin between the two nostrils. Several additional incisions are made inside the nose. In most cases, external incisions are made in a zigzag pattern so that it is inconspicuous from plain sight.

When your plastic surgeon is performing an open nose surgery, the lower third of the nose is visible. The cartilage at the tip and the lower part of the nose are the parts on which the surgeon works. Once the surgeon has access to the cartilages, he can reduce, modify and reshape them.

There are several advantages that are related to open rhinoplasty.  Here are some of the many benefits associated with open nose surgery.

Allows improvement of the nasal in severe and complex cases

Given that the surgeon is able to visible the entire nasal structure, the nasal tip cartilage can be easily modified and reshaped by sight and not feel.

Placement of the cartilage graft becomes easy

Grafting is done using cartilage from other body parts, namely behind the ear, for building a nasal bridge. This surgery can be performed easily with an open nose surgery method. It is primarily because of this reason that grafting is usually done in open nose surgeries then closed nasal surgery. The surgeon has better control when it comes to the placement of the graft and chances of graft movement are less. This method might also be the much better option for a revision nose surgery procedure depending on what has to be corrected.

It is easy to perform open nose surgery than the closed rhinoplasty method

By exposing and accessing the cartilages of the nose to make the internal parts of the nose visible, it will be much easier for the plastic surgeon to perform the surgery. It becomes possible for the surgeon to understand the anatomy and make necessary changes.

It is these above-mentioned advantages that make open rhinoplasty highly popular among plastic surgeons. If you are thinking of undergoing nose surgery in India then you can be assured of getting the most effective and lasting results. The cost of open nose surgery In India is lesser in comparison to other parts of the world.

For more details about rhinoplasty surgery please visit:

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