Things You Should Know Before Getting Martial Arts Studio Software 

Posted by Class Bug
Feb 1, 2020

Martial art is a sacred self-defense technique of china and has slowly spread all over the world. People in different parts of the world are slowly getting interested and learning this popular form of self-defense.


So, if you are managing martial arts studio software, I am pretty sure that it is a tough nut to crack. You may be good at martial arts but sure you cannot handle the studio if you are doing it manually. In-studio management, you need to take care of a lot of stuff like student's attendance, class scheduling, billing among others.


Good martial arts studio software helps you manage all these functions effectively and allows you to focus better on your real job that is teaching.


Here are some of the key features that you must look for when you go around shopping for martial arts studio software.


Great management 


Trust me; it is a hectic job to maintain files and paper with the information of clients and you may never know you may even end up misplacing the stash of papers. Whereas the martial arts software helps in storing information of the students like name, address, and performance, all the data in the cloud-managed database. Isn’t it a much cooler way to get access to the student’s information whenever and wherever you want? 


Attendance records


Maintaining the attendance sheet is outdated. Instead, let your students can use their smartphones for scanning QR code cards. It saves a lot of time for both you and your clients of manually filling up all the details.


Not just that, you also save a lot of money by not using expensive bar code readers instead.


Point of sale:


A great method of promoting your studio indeed. Point of sale or POS helps to sell martial arts merchandise like mugs or T-shirts through card payments. 


A Point of sale integration with martial arts application allows the customer to select their favorite merchandise, add to an online cart and purchase it. A great way of marketing and letting people know about your studio.


Belt grading system:


If you purchase martial arts studio software, there should be a belt grading system in it or else it is of no use. The belts grading system is a report of the progress of the student which is shown in the white, orange, green and black belt.


It will help you to get a better understanding of how each student is progressing.


Automated billing system:


It automatically tracks the payments done by each member and also makes a list of clients with outstanding payment. Creates automatic reminders and send them to the concerned clients to make sure that they make payments on a timely basis. Apart from that it also creates special discount offers to attract clients.


Automated Scheduling:


It helps you automatically schedule your classes on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Apart from that it automatically sends reminders and updates to the clients about their next class scheduling.

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