Things You Should Consider Before Choosing Personal or Commercial Lawyer

Aug 21, 2020
While each person's legal situation is different, there are times when you really should hire a lawyer. In fact, failing to work with an attorney in certain instances can lead to broken agreements, lost claims, or even prison time. Before choosing a personal or commercial lawyer to guide you, your family or your business, remember these points to ensure that you don't end up paying a whole lot of money for services that are not what you need.

Nobody wants surprises. There is no need to hesitate to ask your lawyer about how he/she charges for the work they will do on your behalf. Actually, when you first call a lawyer's office, this is one of the very first questions you should ask. Look for a lawyer who bills all of their services on a flat-fee, project basis and not on an hourly basis, unless needed by the Court for limited purposes. In every event, be certain the lawyer you choose promises to never send you an unexpected bill in the mail for quick phone calls or emails.

There are numerous attorneys who believe they can take care of everything in and around their office themselves, from paperwork to client meetings to calendaring to returning phone calls to connecting with their clients other advisors, the list goes on and on. The fact is, a lawyer who is a genuine independent practitioner without administrative support or in a firm without proper support will become overwhelmed and non-responsive to your needs.

You should ask your lawyer how he or she will respond to your ongoing needs, how quickly calls are returned in the office, if there is someone on hand to answer quick questions and if you should expect to get right through to your lawyer when you call the office. The common thinking in the legal industry is that legal work is transactional in nature and clients will call when something changes. However, this is wrong thinking. You need to search for a lawyer who will proactively communicate with you by mail via an informative, easy to read newsletter and monthly by email.

If you are hiring a lawyer who does not proactively communicate with his or her clients, think again. This lawyer may be stuck in an old, outdated mindset that won't serve your needs in the most ideal manner. Lawyers must have specialised training in one or more particular practice areas, such as bankruptcy, wills & trusts, estates, personal injury, business, divorce, criminal matters or employment. 

You definitely do not want to be working with a lawyer who professes to be an expert in whatever walks through the door. However, you want your personal lawyer and/or business lawyer to have a broad enough expertise that you can consult with your lawyer on all types of legal or financial issues that come up in your life and he or she will be able to guide you right.

Following your meeting with one of the best Campbelltown Lawyers, you need to assess whether you wish to proceed and hire their legal services. If you are impressed, then contact the legal firm and start preliminary stages.
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