Things to Consider Before Booking Corporate Housing in Chicago

Posted by Akanksha Verma
Sep 27, 2022


Corporate housing in Chicago is a popular option for companies that need to stay in the city for more than just a few days. Corporate housing can be a great option for short term relocation or extended stays, but it's not always easy to find.

Chicago Corporate Housing

Here are some things to consider before booking corporate housing in Chicago:

1.      Amenities

It’s important to note that amenities are different in each location. If you want to live in a place with a swimming pool or on-site fitness center, it may not be an option. In Chicago, there are many great apartment options available for corporate housing rental that have all of these amenities included.

The good news is that there are some easy ways to assess the quality of an amenity before booking your corporate housing accommodations:

  • Look at reviews online or ask around at work about how well certain apartments perform as far as their amenities go (for example, does everyone love their community kitchen?).
  • Check out photos from past renters' experiences. This will give you an idea of what kind of space they're renting.

2.      Location

Location is one of the most important things you can do to make sure that your stay in corporate housing is a good experience. It's not just about finding somewhere close to work, it's also about finding somewhere that has all the amenities you need and makes life easier for yourself.

If you're working remotely from your home, what kind of transportation options are available? Do they have parking? Is there Wi-Fi available at all times? If the answer is no or limited availability, consider renting an apartment closer to public transportation (or even better yet - public transportation) so that getting around town won't be difficult when needed.

Another key factor in determining where you should live while working remotely is whether or not there will be anything going on while at home such as parties or other events happening outside of normal business hours which may cause noise issues during sleep hours when people are trying hard not wake up early again tomorrow morning after staying up late last night partying hard with friends who don't care what time they go home because they love having fun every single day regardless if it's Monday morning after having spent Saturday night drinking beer until closing time Sunday afternoon then waking up early Monday morning before noon for their 9-5 job!

3.      Availability

When you book corporate housing in Chicago, availability is one of the most important factors to consider. Availability can be affected by a variety of factors including season, holidays and events such as conventions or trade shows. It’s also important to know that location might play a role in determining whether or not there are any available units that work for your needs. A downtown apartment might be more expensive than its suburbs counterpart but it will also have less availability during peak seasons like summer when many people are on vacation at home with their families.

If you want your corporate housing visit to happen without any hassle, then make sure that they have enough space available so they can accommodate all guests at once without having any issues caused by overcrowding

4.      Contract Length

The length of your contract is also important because it determines how long you will be staying. If you have a longer contract, then the monthly rate will be lower than if it were shorter.

If you're just looking for somewhere to stay while visiting Chicago or on business, then shorter contracts tend to be cheaper and more flexible in terms of when they end. That said: if there are opportunities at the end of your stay where it makes sense for both parties (such as an early departure), then consider negotiating an earlier termination date so that both sides can benefit from this arrangement without feeling like they've been taken advantage of by their provider

5.      Apartment Size

When you're looking for corporate housing in Chicago, there are many factors to consider. One of the most important is apartment size. While two-bedroom apartments are the most popular, one-bedroom options are available as well and they tend to cost less than larger units.

If you want an unfurnished unit or one with furnishings but no kitchen or bathroom amenities (and therefore more affordable), it's best to go with a smaller space so that your company will have less overhead costs associated with renting out an entire suite of rooms.

6.      Corporate Housing can be a Great Option for Short Term Relocation or Extended Stays

Corporate housing is an effective way to save money, time and focus on work.

  • You won't have to worry about keeping up with the rent or paying utilities.
  • You can spend your valuable free time doing what you want, rather than searching for an apartment or condo that meets your needs in terms of location and price range.
  • In addition, some corporate rental properties offer perks such as free parking spaces and gyms at no additional cost so employees don't have to pay extra fees when working out!


Corporate housing in Chicago is a great option for short term relocation or extended stays. There are number of options available in the city to suit your needs, whether you’re looking for an apartment close by or one that offers better amenities.

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