The Use of External and Internal Links to Improve Search Results

Posted by Anna Kate Brian
Oct 15, 2021

External or internal links play a very important role in the growth of your eCommerce website or blog. The fact is that these two forms of links have their own purpose and role to play. However, both these links should be given equal weightage so that your business can be fully maximized. There are many different ways to go about getting these two forms of links to work for you.

External Links: What are they?

External links or backlinks as they are also called, are those that point towards another web page. Take for example; on your business's home page, there are Types of external links such as your Contact Us page or About Us page. These links help to bring more people to explore the rest of the content on your web page. However, search engines rank your website according to the number of external links that are pointing towards it.

This means that if every link pointing to your website Point's directly back to your main domain, this will have a great impact on your ranking. However, if most of the external links or backlinks Point to your domain, this may have a negative impact on your SEO or search engine optimization efforts. This is because every time a person clicks on one of these links to get to your site, you are losing valuable link juice. As your web page gains in page rank and importance, the amount of natural link juice that is lost is quickly replaced by new ones.

So to counter this effect, you need to make sure that the external links or backlinks and internal links that you are creating are as relevant as possible to the content on your page. If you create backlinks that contain anchor text, you may want to consider using the same anchor text that you are using within your own anchor text links. For example, if you use "link1st" instead of simply "link1" when creating the backlink, you are creating a natural SEO-linked text. Also, ensure that any backlinks or external links that you are creating are clearly defined within the anchor text that they are placed in. This helps to further improve your SEO ranking for each particular link.

Getting High-Authority Backlinks

The next tip is that you should also work hard to get backlinks from high-authority websites. To do this, you need to ensure that you choose keywords that are highly relevant to your site and its content. In addition, ensure that you use these keywords throughout your backlinks or anchor texts. By doing this you will make it very difficult for other competitors to rank against your Shopify site since you will be providing highly relevant backlinks or anchor texts for each individual link.

Choosing the Right Keywords

The third tip when using external links or internal links to boost your SEO ranking is to avoid overstuffing your website with your own links or keywords. When creating backlinks or anchor texts, you should choose keywords or keyword phrases that are highly relevant to your website and its content. By doing this you will help to improve your overall SEO ranking as well as keep other competitors from ranking ahead of you. Keep in mind that the linking process occurs deep within the internet and that search engines view external links or internal links differently than they do internal ones. For example, a link within an internal anchor text is only important to the owner of the page where the link is placed.

Adding Quality Content to Your Website

Lastly, when you are creating backlinks or external links to your website, you should ensure that you only add quality content to your links. To achieve this, you should only include content that is unique to your web pages. For example, if you sell watches online and have links within other websites that do not sell watches, then you are not creating any value for your customers and could actually harm your reputation as well as rank. Instead, you should only place links within websites that have relevant content to your own. By providing a high-quality product and creating unique content, you can easily make sure that your web pages rank well within all of the major search engines and niche directories.

Improve Your Page Rank through Backlinking!

Creating backlinks to your websites or to your specific keywords can help you to improve your page rank or position in the search results. While this method takes more time and effort than external links or internal links, it is much more effective. Also, in the end, creating quality backlinks is the key to driving traffic to your websites and increasing revenue. Therefore, in order to increase your page rank or position on search results pages, you should find the best places to create these external links or internal links.

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