The three step process of pet import in Singapore

Posted by Maddy Tan
Aug 28, 2015
Image Sembawang Quarantine Station offers the best dog quarantine in Singapore. Now that Singapore is more like an international hub for business, many entrepreneurs are setting up shop in the country. It is therefore not uncommon to find thousands of people moving to Singapore with their families and even pets. If you want to bring your pet cat or dog along as you move to Singapore, there are several things that you must ensure to do. However contrary to popular opinion the process of pet import Singapore observes is way less than complicated. There is no reason why you should struggle to import a pet to Singapore. All you need to know is the process.

First things first

Immunization is the most important step to take. If you are bringing your pet along to Singapore you best make sure that you pay a visit to your local veterinarian. There are several shots that the pet must be given in order to transport them. This is even if you are transporting the pet within the country. There are some animals that require checkup before transportation. Dogs are the most wanted when it comes to immunization. There are so many diseases that can affect dogs and one of the worst being rabies.

Rabies vaccination is compulsory for all dogs that are being imported into Singapore. There are several shots that the dog needs to take and the vet will issue a certificate showing that your pet has been immunized against the condition. Therefore, before you even start planning your move to the country, pay a visit to your veterinarian to get the process started.

Book a slot

The second and perhaps most important step to avoid disappointment is to book accommodation at the quarantine station. For every pet import Singapore handles, there is a compulsory thirty day quarantine period that must be observed. You will be away for your pet for at least a month. This is even if you travel together with the pet. However, your pet might not get space if you simply book them in the day you travel.

Being one of the largest quarantine stations in the country, space is very limited. Many people are moving into the country and they want accommodation for their pets as well. The moment your pet arrives then he will be checked into the station. In order for this to happen, you will have to book them in as early as two months before you travel. You will be notified of a vacancy a month before the pet is due to arrive in Singapore. Once you get the notification, you should start planning on how the pet will get there.

Travel process

Traveling with a pet can be quite problematic sometimes. The first thing you need to do is get a cage for the pet. Make sure that you get one that is not too big or too small. Remember, airlines will always charge you depending on the weight of the pet. Small pets can be carried onboard as hand luggage. However, those that are large and bulk will have to be put in the air conditioned cargo hold.

You have to make sure that your pet arrives in Singapore on the day that they are expected to arrive. If you choose to send the pet ahead of you, make sure that you select a reliable company to transport him. If your pet arrives two days later the vacancy at the quarantine station will have been given away. It is thus of great importance that you do some proper planning to avoid any disappointments. Get more information check here.

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