The safety notices of sub ohm vaping!
Sub ohm vaping is inherently dangerous and generally suggest not attempting it unless you are an experienced vaper. And particularly it is not recommended to do sub ohm vaping with unknown batteries. If you would like to vape sub ohm then use only specific batteries with high constant discharge current ratings. Eleaf iStick series battery is the reliable and safe choice, among them iStick 30W allows for sub ohming. You should be reminded that when measuring coils for sub ohm vaping it is recommended using a calibrated multimeter, not a standard atomizer resistance testing box, these are fine for general vaping and as an indicator to show dead shorts but a difference of 0.1 ohms between the display and actual resistance could result in battery failure during sub ohm vaping.
Always remember to check measurements twice before connecting your atomizer and when first firing a new build and be aware of warning signs displaying that something may be wrong such as the mod bod getting warm.
Always remember to check measurements twice before connecting your atomizer and when first firing a new build and be aware of warning signs displaying that something may be wrong such as the mod bod getting warm.
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