The Right Way to React to a Tantrum-Throwing Child

Posted by Saurabh Gupta
Dec 21, 2022

Temper tantrums in younger children are commonplace and are nothing out of the ordinary. They are developmental occurrences, and almost every parent faces these challenges as their children grow up. But why do they happen? You see, emotions in children are raw and unfiltered, and they can’t control them. Children who experience extreme events get overwhelmed by these emotions, making them frustrated, angry, or temperamental.


A temper tantrum may result in yelling, kicking, throwing things around the room, etc. A child may also cry during these outbursts or refuse to cooperate after it’s over. Some kids often exhibit this sort of behavior, while others do it once in a while. Although a challenge, as a parent, you may follow specific ways to tackle this behavior. We at Excelsior American School, one of the Day Care School in Gurgaon, will share some with you in this article today. Read on.


List of Ways to Handle Children’s Temper Tantrums

The most important thing to remember is that tantrums are a form of communication. They are a way for children to express their feelings and needs. There are many ways parents can handle tantrums, but the most effective way is to try and understand what they are trying to convey. Along with that, there are a few tricks that you might want to try to stop temper tantrums in their tracks. Let’s have a look at them:


  • Stay Calm: You must remain calm, especially when your kids are throwing a fit. We know it’s hard to be patient in this scenario, but you mustn’t feel frustrated, or it won’t help your purpose. You won’t be able to focus and end up doing or saying things you might regret later. Instead, take a deep breath, and tell them they must cooperate. If required, use a firm tone, but don’t yell. primary school in Gurgaon Firm touches also help but be mindful not to hurt them. For example, if you’ve gone out with your child and he asks for something unnecessary or frivolous, don’t buy it; say “no!” Be very calm and keep walking with a firm yet gentle grip on their wrist. It’ll show that you’re in charge.


  • Give Them a Choice: A great way to calm the kids down is by distracting them by giving them a choice. A child’s mind is curious by nature, and their temper abates if options are offered. For example, offer them a choice if they are creating a fuss and not eating their meals. Ask them which dishes they would prefer to eat first or if they would like to eat something else. However, please don’t do this daily, or they might get spoilt. Two or three days should be enough, and then slowly transition into regular meals.


  • Hug Them: Hugging a child soothes them. There’s nothing as calming and reassuring as a parent’s hug. It works on eight out of ten scenarios and should get the job done.


  • Give The Child Something They Feel Attached To: When hugs don’t work, giving them something tangible might do the trick. For instance, toys evoke happy sensations in children as they are their best friends. They associate many good memories with them and immediately calm them down. This is another form of distraction and is very effective in most cases.


  • Prevent Miscommunication: Kids might sometimes throw tantrums when they cannot express themselves because they don’t know specific words. This is understandable as their vocabulary as well as cerebral development are limited. Help the child find words for their feelings by asking what makes them angry or sad.Top Boarding School in Gurgaon We assure you that you’ll be surprised at how much they have to say. As mentioned before, communication is essential, so you mustn’t overlook this point. You can always prevent this by developing their vocabulary early and talking to them about personal matters daily. A great way to build vocabulary is by reading them stories each night.


  • Take Them Outside: If you have nothing to do, taking your child for a walk is a great idea. Better yet, you can play with them. It distracts them once again and gives them fresh air. It is a simple fix, and everyone can do it. In fact, we suggest you go out/play with them daily (even for a brief period). It’s a bonding experience and keeps the child happy. Remember, if they stay happy, chances are, they will listen to you more and be less moody.


The Two Elemental Aspects

If you look closely, distraction and maintaining composure are the two most important things when it comes to gaining control on a tantrum-throwing child. These are the two things you must concentrate on. However, we at Excelsior American School, ranked among the igcse schools in gurgaon, would like to keep you reminded that there are chances that some of the aforementioned solutions may not work for your child, as each child is different. However, whichever works, you must maintain your composure and try and keep them distracted whenever you see their mood shifting. We assure you that with a calm and patient mind and a firm yet loving tone, you will never go wrong in reacting to your child, even in challenging situations.

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