The Psychological Effects of Security Blankets

Do you remember the old Peanuts comics, where Linus carried his security blanket with him everywhere he went? It seemed to give him a sense of security that one would expect from a “security” blanket and if he was out of touch with the blanket, he experienced physical illness as a result. Although the Peanuts comic strip was one that provided us with comedic relief, there may actually be some truth in what was being said. As a matter of fact, it is thought that a child’s use of a security blanket is associated with psychological benefits that begin at a very young age.
If you are a parent that has some concerns about the security blanket that your child seems to be attached to, there is not necessarily a reason for you to be overly worried. According to a few studies, it has been shown that children who are prone to carry a security blanket tend to be better adjusted as they get older. It gives them the opportunity to have a focus that will provide some relief during a situation that is producing an unusual amount of anxiety. It is also important for you to understand some of the underlying issues that would cause a child to be attached to such an inanimate object as well.
In a well-balanced family, a child is going to bond with its mother at a very young age. It is going to remain attached to its mother and if the mother leaves, it is going to produce separation anxiety that will be difficult on the child. If the child does not bond to the mother properly, this can result in something that is called insecure attachment. If that is the case, you will often find that the child does not display as much anxiety when the mother leaves the current situation, but it does find some comfort in an inanimate object, in this case, a security blanket.
For years, it was thought that being insecurely attached was what caused the child to be more likely to have a security object, such as a blanket. In more recent studies, however, it has been shown that children may be attached to a blanket or other object, such as a stuffed animal, even if they have properly bonded with their mother. During that test, however, it was determined that regardless of whether the child was secure in his relationship with his mother or if it was insecurely attached, having a security blanket was going to be beneficial. Most children that had security blankets ended up being better adjusted to situations that produce unusual anxiety.
To be honest, there is still much that needs to be learned about the security blanket and the role that it may play in the development of the child. Does it cause the child to be independent, or does it simply allow them to deal with a stressful situation better? That is yet to be determined, but one thing is certain, security blankets are popular among children and that is not likely to change anytime soon.