The Phases of Building a Successful Business 1: The Building Process

Aug 21, 2017
Image Hi there and how has been the growth of your business lately? The year is gradually coming to a close. Have you been able to reach your goals for the year or are you still figuring it out? For the next few days, i will like to help you advance as i have, by teaching you the phases that build a successful business. These phases have POWERFULLY HELPED ME TO REALIGN MY BUSINESS TO BE SUCCESSFUL and i am most grateful to God.

So within the next few days i will be teaching you the 4 PHASES THAT EVERY BUSINESS NEEDS TO GO THROUGH BEFORE SUCCESS CAN BE ACHIEVED. You will never find this online anywhere. it was what i discovered on my own. Please document them and if you have any questions on the way, just comment below and i will help you as much as i can. ENJOY.

Anything worthwhile takes time to build. NEVER RUSH YOUR BUILDING PROCESS. To build requires blood, sweat, strategy, investment, materials etc. Just like growth, you will be faced with challenges on your way; some will make you come to a stand still. Perseverance and consistency have been the 2 forces that have differentiated success from failures.The Building process is tough, but if you allow it and go through it, it will make you.

The building process is like baking a cake, if that cake is removed untimely, it will be half-baked and NOT many will like it. But if it withstands the heat and its fully baked, then even kings will partake of the same. The building process is also likened to a fire which can both destroy or give warmth or refines. Gold, silver and bronze don't get destroyed in the fire, they get refined, they get better. However, materials made with hay, straw get destroyed.

My point? turn your adversities around and continue building. Give yourself time to grow, to stretch. a rubber band that is NOT stretched is never useful. Never fulfils purpose. stay in the heat, stay in the fire. it won't destroy you, it will make you.

see what you will be, enjoy, impact from that business in many years to come. it will NEVER HAPPEN if you don't continue building. You may cry, yes, cry, but don't stop building. You may be mocked, laughed at, prejudiced, not wanted because of your business, yes, accept it and go through it but DON'T EVER STOP BUILDING.

For a day will come and you look back to what you've been through and to what you've become and say, 'IT WAS WORTH IT AFTER ALL!'
God bless you and blessed day. See you tomorrow God's willing for phase 2. share your results with me.
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