The Only First Aid Kit You Need While On the Go

Posted by Lada Endresen
Jul 4, 2016

They say the best first aid kit is the closed one. But physiology takes over with its jet lag and menses even if you don’t plan to visit exotic places. To stay safe and sound on top of Everest and in busy downtown Tokyo, make sure to grab some medical goodies in the local drugstore. And here’s what travelers like you normally throw in their first aid kit (which by the way should be made of hard plastic to avoid damage) even when they travel overseas for treatment.


  • mild laxative against constipation frequently caused by new types of food and water
  • anti-diarrhea medication to help you stay hydrated
  • antacid to fight excessive acidity in your stomach
  • motion sickness drug to prevent nausea and vomiting
  • altitude sickness medicines to make you feel comfortable while on board
  • water purification pills in case the quality of local water is questionable


  • sunscreen with 100% UVA/UVB protection and SPF not less than 30 to keep your skin healthy
  • aloe gel for sunburns to soothe sunburns
  • insect repellent with DEET (up to 15% for kids, up to 50% for adults) to keep bugs and mosquitos away
  • sticking plaster to prevent and cure blisters
  • antihistamines against to help fight allergies, itching, and bites


  • hydrogen peroxide to clean the cut or wound
  • antibiotic ointment to fight bacterial infection
  • bandage tape to cover the wound after disinfection
  • scissors to cut bandages and tweezers to take out stings
  • elastic wraps to keep your stretched muscle in place


  • aspirin, paracetamol, or ibuprofen to relieve a headache and tooth or period pain


  • a copy of your eyeglass or contact lens prescription in case you lose/break your vision tools
  • cold relief pills and cough drops to help fight cold
  • ear plugs to make you feel comfortable in a noisy environment

Hygiene and safety

  • latex condoms to protect you from STDs (sexually transmitted diseases)
  • thermometer to know that your body is fighting an infection
  • syringes and needles to ensure advanced sterility  
  • hand sanitizer with alcohol not less than 60% to use every time before eating
  • prescription medicine and its generic names to avoid the need to look for one in a foreign environment
  • mosquito net to guarantee double protection against bites

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