The Marriage of SEO and UX for Mutual Reinforcement

Posted by Kalpita Pradhan
Jul 14, 2017

Not just tens or twenties but with the crowd of hundreds and thousands entering the digital arena every day, clicking high on success parameter in this overly crowded virtual word is not that easy. And, with technologies and software programs developing at quite an aggressive pace, the task of touching success heights becomes even more of a herculean thing to do.

Each day thousands of new technologies and software programs enter the digital canvas with some getting completely rejected and some getting widely adopted. With new ones entering the canvas it is usually believed that the old ones need to leave. But is this true in the case of UX (User Experience) and SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Is the former better than the latter or should we believe still in the concept that Old is Gold?

But neither the old needs to go nor the new needs to be rejected, instead, they both need to work together in a team to gain better online results. Both might have different priorities and distinct structures, but one thing in common is that they both are working for the same goal of providing best service. While the SEO is focused on letting the crowds at different online platforms know about your presence in the market; UX, on the other hand, is keeping the crowd engaged and impressed with the quality content.

Following are the 4 genius ways of bringing the SEO experts work together with their UX counterparts for a better Web Development program:

Utilise the erupting tension

Make the SEO expert in Delhi and UX geniuses understand that they are not on the opposite side of the fence but are all part of the same team. Conflicts and frictions are all part of the organisational working, but only a good management expert can utilise the erupting frictions for improving development, rather than impeding it. Before making any development programs, both the SEO and UX teams need to work in collaboration to better achieve their goal of good user experience.

Guide them towards the overall site goals

When conveying the goals and objectives of a site project it needs to be made sure that both SEO and UX teams have a common understanding of the goals. Because, at times it is observed that due to the expertise in their respective fields only, both the parties develop their own perspectives on the website need which is best in their better knowledge but is conflicting with the strategies of the other team. Every single decision regarding the website from keyword research to user flows should be taken after taking the combined efforts& expertise, industry research and overall user’s feedback into consideration.

Don’t forget the design elements while creating content

Content shouldn’t be crafted without a design in mind, and design should never indicate towards content being void of something. From site structure, content’s length and the quantity and quality of the design elements quite everything related to the blueprint of the site needs to be created with the combined efforts of both the teams so as to ensure the site is delivering the website message in a best possible way. Always remember good content without the support of design element isn’t going to be noticed by the audience. And, quality design void of quality content isn’t going to be trusted at all.

Ensure repetitive checks

Teams related to Web development programs are never done with their projects. As the users’ needs evolve, so evolve the web practices and thus evolves the website. UX and SEO professionals need to make it a point that they test real-life users and evaluate the site’s performance from time to time. This repetitive real time check will provide these professionals with a chance to make desired site changes to optimise user experience and conversions for the overall website growth & development.
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