The Key Features of The Best Boarding Schools of The Country

Posted by Kasiga School
Jun 8, 2021

The school a child goes to has a major impact not only on their academic development but also on their overall personality. Due to the strong focus on discipline, co-scholastic education, and social skills, many modern parents opt to enrol their kids in boarding schools. 

Top boarding schools in Dehradun, Mussoorie, and several other small Indian towns encourage their students to participate in arts, athletics and more, build long-term friendships, develop a strong moral foundation, while also enjoying a rich culture of learning. They provide an environment that encourages young kids to take part in intellectual discourse with their peers, and gradually progress towards a more holistic development process. In many ways, boarding schools are supportive communities that are developed by keeping the all-around development and advanced learning experience of the students at the centre. 

The majority of boarding schools are known to have a distinctive college campus feel and ambience, including a supervised and structured student life experience, challenging academic curriculum and opulent arts and athletics offerings. According to certain studies, it has also been reported that boarding school students tend to succeed at considerably higher rates in comparison to the typical private day and public school students.

Features of good residential schools 

There are several boarding schools present all across the country today especially in its smaller towns and cities. To identify the ideal one to enrol their kids in, parents must pay heed to certain factors, which are:

  • As students stay twenty-four hours at their boarding schools, for months at a stretch, these institutions must have every conceivable facility that ensures each child is optimally cared for.  In addition to facilities related to academics and co-curricular activities, they must also have proper healthcare, security, and safety solutions in place, to make sure that the children can get any emergency assistance in times of need. 

  • Good boarding schools usually are equipped with adequate medical facilities. These institutions typically employ qualified nurses who offer round the clock medical service and compassionately care for the students in case they fall ill, get injured while playing, and so on. Experienced doctors are typical on call at such schools as well, and provide daily supervision at its medical facilities.  

  • Premier residential schools try their best to see to it that their students are served nutritious, well-balanced meals, which are planned by a qualified dietician or nutritionist.

  • When studying at a school, students often face a lot of challenges related to academic stress and peer pressure. In addition to this, they also have to deal with hormonal changes that are caused by adolescence. Residential school students do not have their parents and families living with them to confide in and draw comfort from in such situations. However, to ensure that their students are able to progress through this sensitive phase of life, the top boarding schools in Dehradun employ trained therapists or life skill counsellors who assist the students to cope with various challenges and emerge as a more confident, self-sufficient and positive individual.

Keeping the features mentioned above in mind would be important for any parent trying to find an ideal school for their kids.

Author Bio: The author of this article has been involved with the educational sector for many years. She has worked at some of the most reputed residential schools in the country. In her free time, she enjoys writing and blogging about her passions and interests on the internet.

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