The Journey of Animation Industry in India

animation industry in India has come a long way. Since the production of the
first-ever stop-motion picture by Dada saheb Phalke back in 1941, big studios
like Pixar, Dream Works, and Disney are all looking forward to outsourcing
their works in India. The best animation can
always teach you a thing or two about this ever-booming industry. Gone are the
days when animation just used to be the children’s affairs. With all the cutting-edge
technologies and state-of-the-art implementation, animation has now started to
attract mature viewers.
of Indian Animation
we were discussing earlier, the revolution in the Indian animation industry was
bought by Dadasaheb Phalke. The movie was all about the growth of a peapod into
a fully grown plant. While there was nothing special about the storyline, it
was the implementation that taken back every one with an AWE. Following this
great achievement, the film division of India invited Clair Weeks, who was a
Disney Studios animator to train the Indian animators. Therefore, born the
first-ever Indian made a truly animated movie, The Banyan Deer in the year
1957. During the same era, Ram Mohan along with a Japanese filmmaker created the
epic animated movie, Ramayana- The Legends f Prince Rama.
It received huge accolades and reviews throughout the world.
journey of Indian Animation
House and Captain Vyum are some of the first-ever VFX shows to be broadcasted. In
addition, the best thing of all is that by 1990, the commercialization of
animation was already done. Once India started to take up the pace, it has now
created some of the marvellous animated products of all time. Whether we talk
about Romeo, Hanuman, Chotta Bheem or even My Friend Ganesha, it is completely
changed our perception towards the animation industry of India.
less to say, ‘Arjun- The Warrior Prince’ has not only viewers from India but from
the United States too. Being in the Animation Industry, one can easily consider
the same as getting superstardom. Starting out from creating parts of VFX to
full-blown animated movies, India is now aiming for the podium place. Taking
into consideration films like Avtar and Kochaadaiiyaan, Indian animation is truly
no longer the pursuit for little kids. Everyone can now sit back, relax and
enjoy a good animated movie.
can literally talk about all day, regarding the journey of the best animation
industry in India and how they have become one of the booming industries in the
21st century. That being said, it is truly splendid to see that even Hollywood
has started to come to India for the great talents that are scattered
throughout the nation. Companies like Reliance Big Entertainment and Red
Chilies have already started to outperform several competitors in the
international market. So, if you are someone with a keen interest to learn
about animation courses in pune,
now is the best time than ever to choose your career in the same field and
secure your future for the greater good.
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