The HHI, Kolkata – A Trip Into The Land Of Deccan Delicacies

Posted by Hotel HHI
Apr 14, 2016

The name that crops up every time a discussion about the best hotels in Kolkata takes place is none other than the HHI, Kolkata.

Hyderabad has been under the rule of seven Nizams until the year 1947 when the country gained its independence from the British. Till then, it had ruled for nearly two centuries! A look back in time brings into light the Asaf Jahl rulers – the Nizams – who among many of their likes were renowned for being major patrons of:

·         Literature

·         Art

·         Architecture

·         Culture

·         Rich Food

The focal point of this article rests on the last point of the bulleted list given above. As mentioned earlier, the Nizams loved having rich food filled with a variety of spices and herbs. In fact, some of the recipes of their food are so complex that they are good enough as case studies for would-be chefs in hotel management institutes today.

All these recipes are part of the Hyderabadi cuisine which despite having started long back in Medieval India became the legacy of the Nizams owing to the innovations and creativities introduced.

From the era of Maibood Ali Pasha, the Khansamas (royal cooks) have been forging delicious Gizayat (the erstwhile name of the food prepared under the Hyderabadi cuisine). Today, the chefs of modern, luxury hotels do ample justice to the prodigious talent of these Khansamas by cooking authentic Hyderabadi delicacies.

A couple of them work wonders every day in the HHI, Kolkata – one the best hotels in Kolkata renowned for its bouqet of Hyderabadi cuisines. There is although another interesting fact about this hotel. It presents delicacies stemming back to the era of the Nizams and even creates some of the favorite dishes among the princes, for the Murg Qurmay Ki Biryani and the Lazeez Pasliyan.

The chefs working at the HHI, Kolkata strictly adhere to the usage of authentic ingredients in order to bring back to live the culinary splendor of the bygone era – vegetables, herbs, spices in addition to chicken and mutton. In fact, the actual recipes of some of the dishes created are closely guarded secrets and will continue to remain as such.

The HHI in every way believes in resurrecting the actual grandeur of the Nizams and their efforts go beyond the creation of food – its touches the field of interior decoration as well. Kalash, the restaurant that serves Hyderabadi cuisine, has its walls lined with wall hangings abundant in designs dating back to the days of the Nizams. Further, the traditional Dastarkhān has been excellently replaced by richly carved chairs and tables. Further, the food served hot completely allows guests to step into history with every single bite they take. It goes without any form or manner of dispute that the HHI, Kolkata is one of the best hotels in Kolkata in terms of resurrecting Hyderabadi delicacies.

Author’s Bio: The HHI group of hotels is a luxury hotel chain with deluxe hotels in Kolkata, Varanasi, Bengaluru, Bhubaneswar and Pune.


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