The Gift of Desperation

Posted by Philippe Moisan
Jun 8, 2020
Sometimes, we look for solutions to overwhelming problems to avoid losing control of our lives, in every sense of the word.

That search can last years and years, even decades. For real. Imagine that... You can reach a point where you think nothing works.

If you are by yourself in this, if you are too ashamed to reveal to anyone how bad your situation is, it might simply become impossible to get out of that slump.

There's a strange way that might help you. Strange because it defies common sense.

The first step is to try to find some people who are going through the same thing you are. It's even better if they are since improved their lives, because you might be very interested in learning how they did it.

The second step is, simply, to acknowledge that you are powerless. Chances are, that group of people will accept you as you are.

That is what I call the gift of desperation. It removes any pressure to solve the problem or situation as fast as possible.

It doesn't matter if it takes days, weeks, months or even more. You are on a pathway to recovery. You might have episodes of depression, anxiety, lack of belief. Welcome to the human world. Many of us go through emotional roller coaster rides.

There is hope.

If you need suggestions about where to find groups of people who go through the same stuff as you, Facebook as groups about all kinds of problems.

Check my blog, by clicking here, for more such articles.
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