The first drop of rain
The recognition of the Palestinian state by 3 European countries
It is natural to have two different and conflicting reactions to the recognition of Palestine as an independent state by the three main countries of Europe and the implementation of this declaration from May 28. It is not possible to completely ignore the possibility of upheaval in the region in the coming days. . In reaction to the recognition of Palestine as a state by Norway, Ireland and Spain on May 25, Israel has recalled its ambassadors from the three countries, and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu says that some European countries will not recognize the Palestinian state. The declaration is a reward for terrorism, the sovereign state of Palestine will be a terrorist state. The US President's White House has also declared the decision to recognize Palestine as a state unacceptable, while the Palestinians and their supporters have expressed their feelings of joy and happiness over the said announcement.
Comments (5)
Anurag pareek
Anurag | Digital Marketer
It is not possible to completely ignore the possibility of upheaval in the region in the coming days.
Random India
Digital Marketer
Free Blog Submission Sites 2024
Jack Bosma
Social Media Marketing Consultant
Should the recognition be global?
Franto Hruz
Online Income Systems Development
... make an end to Zionism !
On Vent
Mind Development Ventures
Times are changing - more will join the cause of justice in this world !
Zionism is the evil side of Judaism ... many Jews don't want to have
any part of this evil - it has to be stopped before it is too late !