The Different Roles of Optometrist in Eye Care

Posted by Raman K.
Nov 19, 2018

Optometrists are the healthcare professionals who provide primary eye and vision care and are the first point of contact for ocular conditions, and a link between the patient and the ophthalmologist. The realisation of the impact of uncorrected refractive error has provided the opportunity for optometry to play a major part in ophthalmology practice and alleviating vision loss for those most in need. The optometrist plays an important role in better integration of optometry for prevention of blindness.

Throughout the world, optometrists have been the major providers of vision correction. The public often thinks of optometrist as a professional who test eyes and prescribe spectacles. In fact, the role of an optometrist in clinical practice is much more extensive. The optometrist plays an important role in rendering ophthalmic services to the masses. To enumerate a few:

·         In clinical practice, an optometrist examines the eyes to determine the nature and degree of vision problems and eye diseases. They question the patients in detail, take medical history and note down visual needs.

·         The most common cause of visual impairment and the second leading cause of treatable blindness is uncorrected refractive error. It has severe social and economic effects on Individual and communities, restricting educational and employment opportunities of otherwise healthy people. The need for correction of refractive error is great for both children and adults.

·         They perform various tests like automated refractometry, streak retinoscopy, and vision assessment on chart projectors, LogMAR charts, snellen’s vision drum and various paediatric visions testing methods to determine visual actuity.

·         They have expertise in fitting and dispensing of contact lenses e.g. rigid and soft contact lenses including frequent replacement, orthokeratology & extended wear and also conduct complex contact lens fitting for paediatric eye conditions, keratoconus, postsurgical complications, eye trauma & corneal ectasia.

·         They provide low vision aids, low vision rehabilitation for visually impaired people to use their functional vision more effectively.

·         They can detect or diagnose ocular conditions and associated systematic health conditions & refer them to appropriate healthcare professionals.

·         They perform tests to determine depth perception, color perception, ocular motility disorder and ability to focus and coordinate eyes and prescribe vision therapy, vision training or othoptic treatment for children having learning problems or B.V. disorder including strabismus amblyopic.

·         They can be the first person to diagnose glaucoma after checking the intraocular pressure. They can then refer the patient to an ophthalmologist for further management and also perform various tests for glaucoma e.g. perimetery  , OCT, HRT, fundus photography and pachymetry independently or under supervision of an ophthalmologist.

·         They can diagnose cataract on initial eye examination. They perform biometry to determine IOL power.

·         They provide cosmetic support to patients with enucleated eye/disfigured eyes by fitting prosthetic lenses or cosmetic shells.

·         At an optical showroom, the optometrist works independently. In addition to doing refraction, they supervise dispensing of prescription for corrective glasses also. An optometrists needs to be well trained to handle the availability of a varied range of spectacle frames and lenses, especially the progressive and automated lens fitting machines. A proper measurement of IPD and PD, making of pupillary centre, fitting height on the spectacle frame, proper frame and lens selection is done by an optometrist.

·         A community optometrist can become the first port of call for patients concerned about the vision.

·         They also offer counselling service on preventive vision care.

Thus as eye care in India progresses – both in widening its reach across the nation and in raising its standards to the highest level –For the elimination of blindness & impaired vision, there is an increase demand for optometrists to become an ideal foil for ophthalmologists in providing the best eye care for people with visual disabilities. 

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