The detailed information about every type of urn

Posted by Urns Memorials
Sep 25, 2016

It is a tough task to sit down and decide what type of urn should be chosen in order to store the cremation ashes of our loved ones, who just left for the heavenly abode. There are a number of options that are available with the funeral houses, online or offline. Some of the most famous and the urns that are trusted by a number of people are given below. These types of urns are available in a variety of sizes, with a number if designs engrave on it and for humans and pets- differently.

1.       The Wooden urns-

These types of urns give out a very decent and a vintage look to the cremation ashes. The urns are made of wood that looks natural with scented odor. There are many types of wooden urns that include the cremation, funeral and the pet urns.

The wooden heart urn is one of the most demanded types of wooden urns. It is in the shape of a heart, with a variety of designs engraved on the lid, depending on the one ordered. The other type of urns that is trusted by the people across the nation is the wooden keepsake urns. The keepsake urns have designs that are chosen by the customer. They are smaller in size, as compared to the cremation urns. They are meant to hold a smaller portion of the entire amount of ashes that were obtained after the cremation. Unlike the cremation urns that are meant to store all the ashes of the body, after burnt.

When it comes to really religious and traditional people, the sayings and the symbols of life are very important for them. They even tend to get the urns carved out with the famous sayings of their religion. One such famous type of urn is the Wooden Tree of life urn. Tree of life is basically considered as the sacred tree of wisdom. It is the only concept that is accepted worldwide, undisputed. Be it any religion, the tree of life has a lot of significance in the beliefs of religious people. The urns too, are kept sacred for that case. It stays with the people, the belief that the wisdom always stayed with the deceased one and would stay with them for the lives to come. Hence these urns are more in demand for the philosophical significance they hold.

2.       The urns for pets-

For some, their pets are more important that any materialistic possession they have. When their pets leave for the abode, they tend to keep their memories close to their heart. So be it pets or humans, the cremation and the keepsakes are equally vital and are the things that are difficult to choose. There are many types of pet urns that are available at the funeral homes. The wooden pet urn, the metal urns and the urns that have designs printed or carved out on the lids of the urn.

One of the most famous types of pet urns is the Photo Box pet urn. As the name suggests, it comes with a photo of the pet on the face of the urn. The choice rests with us, as to how the box urn should look like. 

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