The Curated List of Features for World-Class Android App

Jan 22, 2019

The crucial factor that accelerates the web traffic to your mobile app is the overwhelming features. And it is important to note that Android is leading the competition with the hold on about 85% global market share. If the geographical distribution is taken into consideration, Android dominates the race leading in major continents such as Asia, large parts of Europe and South American region. 

Today, Android apps are ruling most of the business industries such as messaging apps, on-demand apps, e-commerce apps, and enterprise apps. As a result, it becomes integral for android app developers to pay attention comprehensively and devotedly while integrating the crucial features. Developers which are engaged in providing android app development services need to focus on the minute details. 

There is no denying that android app development trends keep renewing and offer a scope to simply add new and interesting features that grabs the user attention and is customer-friendly. 

Crucial Features to Include by Android App Development Service Providers

Simple and User-Friendly Interface

Simplicity with a pinch of sophistication in the user interface is the key feature that you need to implement in the android app development. It is important to ensure that the app’s functionality is user-friendly.

Easy Registration

These days, most of the mobile apps want users to register through their email-ids and phone numbers. As a developer,you have to make sure that the registration page is simple and short and you are sticking to name, mobile number, email od and if required the address. 

Fast Loading Speed

The biggest reason behind the failure of mobile apps is slow loading speed. Hence, it must be ensured that the loading speed of your app does not exceed more than 10 seconds. All functions should work well when tapped upon at any time. 

Making it Compact

Most of the time it is seen that the user soften complain about the shortage of memory space. Your role is to address this common issue at the time of developing the android app. In this regard, you can compact the size of the app. You should note that as you add additional features and functionalities you are increasing the size of the app. Therefore, you should remove the functions that are no longer required in the app.

Payment Integration and Cloud Computing 

You can integrate the payment gateway feature. Most of the apps enable users to pay for the product or service through the mobile app. Additionally, cloud computing can be considered an important asset for your android app. It will boost up the app strength and make your app visible in the traffic. 

The android apps are battling a fierce competition. The users have become choosy and you have to come up with the most essential features. Developers providing android app development services should conduct a market research or develop an MVP in order to get the real picture of the market. 

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