The Boon of online ordering app for restaurant

Posted by Carlos Sam
Jul 17, 2024

nitially , when big players like the online aggregators came into the market - the growth of the hospitality industry skyrocketed. They tied up with restaurants and provided discounts ,thus catering to the customers.

What eventually happened was that the profit made by the restaurant owner kept diminishing as time progressed.

Let’s take into account a hypothetical scenario- X restaurant pays a 20 % commission to an online aggregator Y.

Y's discount would also be deducted from restaurant X's budget as well. For instance the discount provided , was 20%, and including the commission paid, X is barely left with a margin of 60%-which if we further extract the maintenance, and other expenses we get a net margin of 45%. This was absolutely not affordable by the small business owners.

So what's the solution to this pocket draining process?

Your answer is Wera- Online Ordering app for restaurant  provider personal to every restaurant owner.

It provides a personalised service with an online ordering whitel label app & website ,which enables the restaurant to avoid the complete dependability relationship with the third party online aggregators.

Now the restaurants can not only provide discounts to their customers, but also improve their brand image through thorough marketing.

This is extremely pocket friendly, and is a major aid to the small-scale business, helping them thrive in this ever competitive industry.

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