The Best of Stay Aware of Essential Aspects of Benign Hematology

Posted by Anil Gangwar
Nov 30, 2020

Benign hematologic disorders are a few of the inherited blood conditions in patients. A positive thing of a benign hematology related disease is patients may easily manage their condition with lifestyle changes and medications. In this blog post, we will discuss a specific type of hematologic disorder called ITP.

Overview of ITP

ITP is the acronym for Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura. In this disease, the blood of a person fails to clot normally and causes bleeding and bruising.  ITP takes place due to low platelet levels means thrombocytes in the blood.


ITP Symptoms

According to Hematology Specialist, ITP has the following symptoms-



Bleeding often takes place from the nose and gums. Moreover, women suffering from thrombocytopenia experience longer or heavy periods combined with breakthrough bleeding. A few of the ITP patients even see blood in their motion or urine.


Bruises and Blotches

Patients suffering from ITP type of benign hematology have large bleeding areas below the skin, which never turn white while pressing them. You may even see bruises as similar to the ones you get from a strong hit or a bump. ITP patients even have purple or blue colored bruises and blotches, which change to green or yellow with time. These problems take place due to sudden leakage from tiny blood vessels present in your body.


Skin Spots

You will find various red and flat spots on the skin, which are similar to the size of your pinhead. ITP patients often find such spots on their feet and legs. Such spots are similar to clumps.


ITP Causes

As per the research studies done by Hematology Doctor, the immune system of a person has a prime role to cause ITP, because of which the name is immune thrombocytopenia. In the case of ITP, the immune system of a person produces antibodies against the platelets, which are responsible for removing the spleen and lower the overall platelet count. The immune system interferes with cells to produce platelets normally, which further reduces the exact numbers of platelets present in your bloodstream.


ITP Diagnosis

Physical Examination

Hematologists start the diagnosis of the ITP problem by collecting a complete medical history of a patient followed by conducting a physical examination. You should make sure to intimate each of your underlying symptoms.


Detailed Procedures to Diagnose ITP

Once the physical examination completes, your doctor will perform certain diagnostic procedures, which include the following-


Blood Test and Urine Test

Both blood tests and urine tests measure bleeding time and identify possible infections. Depending on the condition and symptoms of a patient, hematologists recommend a special type of blood test i.e. antiplatelet antibody blood test.


CBC i.e. Complete Blood Count

The complete blood count test measures the number, size, and maturity of various blood cells present in a specific blood volume for measuring platelets.


Bone Marrow Aspiration

Bone marrow aspiration detects the production of platelets in your blood to rule out abnormal cells produced by your bone marrow to cause low platelet count.  Bone marrow aspiration is recommendable only in severe conditions.


Final Summary

Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura condition leads to abnormal bleeding from the nose, gums, and during menstruation cycles. Hence, if you experience either of the problems, you should consult your doctor for tests and diagnose them immediately.

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