The Best Digital PR Agency in Dubai

Posted by Saurabh S.
Mar 31, 2019

PR activity is a big deal and billion-dollar companies have recognized it. Bill Gates, for example, said, “If I was down to my last dollar, I would spend it on Public Relations”. PR agencies come in different capacities. You need to invest in the right agency to get the right output. Practically the objective behind a successful PR campaign is promotion which you can measure. Hence, you need some parameters to choose the best PR agency for your company and here are they-

● Track Record-

The first thing you need to do is sideline the talker from the doers. In the world of taking smack, people claim the world but deliver none. Ask about the existing clients a company has, what type of stories they have done the most, see if their data fit to your needs and then take your decision. Understand the secured publications they made, their social media platforms, list of press conferences they have conducted etc. Do the complete research.

● Industry forte-

First identify your industry, for example, if you are a technological startup located in Dubai you will need a PR specializing in Startups and technology. So, it’s meaningless to contact a consumer agency, they won’t have the necessary tools and connections to get your story published in a startup or technology column in any publication. Hence, you need a technology PR Agency in Dubai to do your PR.

● Transparency-

Transparency is the basis of any business relationship. If every aspect is not clear today, it might spike up in the future. You need a PR agency who is transparent in jotting down your needs and delivering them. Skipping something as general work or leaving things ambiguous is a little shady in any deal. And if you talk about a PR company who will be working for you, it might be the basis of your relationship. So understand what was promised, check at every step, take note of the deadlines, that’s what transparency serves here.

● Results-

You need an agency who produces results, and need it quickly. A PR company who takes months to show something concrete is the one to avoid. Consider this, you are paying a hell lot of money and if it takes them 3–6 months to show their first ray of hope, it is totally illogical. You need a PR agency who shows you results at least in the first month. Some companies give you a programme which takes 3 to 6 months to give results. Practically such companies expect you to pay for 6 months and expect you to hope for results within half a year, be practical and get a new agency.

● Customer-centric

You need a company who keeps you on the top of the food chain. A PR company works for you, so evaluate their proposal first. If the company is least concerned about your objectives and is doing their own thing, you might want to switch over. On the other hand, a company keeping your goals in mind and working according to your goals will be your best bet. For more information Please visit: PR Agencies in Dubai

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