The Best Bedding Materials for the Australian Climate

Posted by Halcyon Dreams
Jul 4, 2024

Great sleep is more important than ever, given the busy world we live in and all of the stress in our lives. We wake up so early, and right away we are on the clock and rushing to get the kids ready and make it to our own job on time. Leisurely breakfasts at home are a thing of days gone by, and at work we’re lucky to grab a cup of coffee before we are besieged by projects requests. It just never seems to stop, and by the end of the day we are simply tapped out and have no energy left.

Our fast-paced lives and all of the demands we have to respond to leave us desperately needing time to recharge and recuperate. Getting quality sleep is a must if we want to be ready for the next day. One of the keys to getting good rest is to make sure your body temperature is comfortable all night long. Changes in weather can affect your temperature and how you sleep, so it’s important to find bedding solutions that are right for each season.

Choose Wool for Winter Comfort

As the seasons move from summer to the late fall and winter months, you’ll want to make sure your wool quilt is the right weight for the colder nights. Wool is an all natural material, and is a wonderful choice if you want to stay snuggled up on those long winter nights.

Wool also helps regulate temperature, and has naturally occurring air pockets that can trap the heat in the colder weather. This will help keep you nice and warm all winter long.

Wool Is Ideal for Summer Time Too

When the days start to become longer and spring rolls on by, you know that summer can’t be far behind. In those warmer months, you will want to switch to a thinner wool quilt that keeps you comfortable when the temperatures are hotter outside.

Wool is able to wick away about 30% of its weight in moisture. This can help keep you comfortable and dry, even if you occasionally sweat at night. This natural material is also highly breathable, which provides great ventilation and helps lower the humidity level in your bedroom at night.

A Doona for All Seasons

There is even a perfect doona for year round too. When you choose the innovative 3 in 1 All Seasons quilt, you get three doonas in one.


During the warmer months, you use the 200 GSM quilt. Then, as the chill of fall descends, move to the 350 GSM option. When winter’s dark nights arrive, simply join the two quilts together and you are ready for the colder nights ahead.

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