The Accumulative Ecosystem of Cross Platform Mobile Applications

Posted by Jimmy P.
Jul 30, 2013

Smartphones have created a whole new paradigm in the current socio-economic paradigm and a wide ecosystem of mobile applications that has become over $25 billion industry annually. with half a dozen platform already in the market, there is a tug of war going on between services providers to have a piece of the market and pull end users on their platform. smartphones have started the wave for the future, and mobile application a way to have real time information sharing and communication.Mobile applications are considered to be the soul of any smartphone, which is why the platforms with largest application database is able to control the market.

Android and iOS in that matter have been highly successful due to a large application database. with more than 800,000 application each in the two app store, they have surged way ahead of the rest of the competition. Blackberry and windows on the other hand are playing a game of catch up, with very limited market.

There are various reports that have suggested that the mobile application market would surge to a $100 billion by the end of 2015. Wth enterprises also implementing mobile first strategy among their core business processes, the overall mobile application development market is set to get a vital boost.

Blackberry over the years, have lost a vital part of their market share with the rise of iOs and Android. This has led to the emergence of BB10, which according to the company would help them rise in the highly competitive consumer market as well as sustain their growth in the enterprise sector.

With mobile application market becoming highly liquidated, it has become highly difficult for developers to generate any substantial revenue. Due to this complex competitiveness going in the application marketplace, developers have started to encompass on mobile app marketing to ensure their application has a broader audience. The development of a software is one thing but actually generating some revenue out of that application involves some skill set.

There have been many studies that have clearly shown how developers are finding it difficult to generate revenue in highly stagnated Apple app store with over 850,000 applications. This has called for the adoption of freemium model among developers who are putting out free applications and charging users for in-app purchases. The recent figures state that the top grossing applications on the app market does not contain a single paid application, while most of the applications have in-app purchasing model.

In-app purchasing has been an ideal way for developers to go ahead. With blackberry BB10 trying to woo developers over to its platform, to create application and even ensuring $15000 revenue, developers need to put a lot of weightage on the cross platform support. As the smartphone industry is getting liquidated, it is getting necessary for developers to make their application cross platform supportive. This gives them a leverage to reach a much broader market and audience. They need to understand that the market trend is shifting and ought to follow the best way forward.

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