Targeting Student Visa Interview Questions

Posted by Rita Biswas
Feb 19, 2019

Getting a study visa for overseas education is not a simple task. It is a multi-step process involving application, submission of documents and an interview process. The visa interview process plays a crucial part in the decision-making process by visa authorities. It is the interview process, which determines the candidate’s intent and objective on the basis of which the immigration authorities announce their result of acceptance or refusal. Countries like the US place a high weightage on a candidate’s visa interview.

It is expected that the candidate must be thoroughly aware of Student Visa Requirements and must answer the interviewer truthfully and fluently. It doesn’t matter if it is a face-to-face interview or is conducted telephonically, as in the case of New Zealand, the candidate needs to have a fair idea as to what questions are likely to be asked. Here’s a list of the most likely student visa interview questions


Generally, this process is followed in case of telephonic interviews to make sure that the questions are being answered by the right person. Passport and other details are generally verified before the actual interview begins.

Previous academic/ job details

Details on previous qualifications may be asked. If the candidate does have a job experience, areas of work may be assessed and questions may be asked with regards to the same. Some likely questions include:

What is your highest educational qualification? What were the subject areas?

Have you been employed before? Where? What was your Job profile? What did it involve? What were key roles granted to you during your employment tenure?

University and Program details

You may be asked about the details of the course for which you are opting. Questions such as: What does your course include? List a few majors that you will be opting for, in your program; may be asked. Details about the university that you have selected and highlights of that institution needs to be known. Why this University? What are the other popular courses offered by your university? What is your University website? These are some questions that may be asked.

 Financial details

This is a key area on which questions may be targeted. Whether the candidate or his sponsors are financially sound enough to sponsor the education and the living expense is determined.

How do you plan on funding your education? Is your sponsor employed? What is the fee for the first semester of your course? Were you offered a scholarship?

These are the kind of questions that you should expect. Answering them must be done truthfully and no details must be omitted. It must be ensured that your financial details meet the USA and UK Study Visa Requirements, in case of the US and UK or for any country to which you may be applying.

It must be kept in mind that financial status must be declared according to the living costs in the city of stay. Living costs vary depending on whether the university is located in an urban or rural area.


This is the section which may primarily determine the status of your visa. Questions are asked to determine what you wish to accomplish by studying in the country. The visa officer may also ask about your intentions after getting your degree. These are the questions that may be put forward:

Why did you choose this country? Isn’t this course offered in your country? What are your plans after completing this course? Do you have any long-term plans?

Other questions

There are some other areas on which you may be questioned by the visa officer.

Do you have any connection to terrorist activities? Is anyone in your family involved in terrorism?

These are questions that are asked sometimes and must be answered truthfully. It must be made clear that neither you nor anyone in your family is engaged in, or supports any kind of militancy.

Have you ever visited this country before? Has your visa ever been rejected before?

The visa officer is already aware of all such details. The questions are simply asked for clarification and must be candidly addressed.

 A detailed study of all the above points must be ensured before going for a Study Abroad Student Visa interview. Practice sessions in the form of mock visa interviews can greatly help the student to ensure that facts are coherently presented before the visa officer at the time of the actual interview. It is advised to practice conversations in English since that would be the medium in which the visa officer will ask questions.

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