Suitable Paint Recommended By Pool Painters Perth for Your Concrete Pool

Posted by Pool Restoration
Jul 8, 2021
The people of Australia are simply crazy about spending warm summer days in the swimming pool or around the poolside area. This fact has contributed enormously in the well-being of the business offering pool maintenance services. 

These agencies too have evolved a lot and as compared to yesteryears, now they have a whole plethora of options in terms of paints. 

This has only benefitted the homeowners and because of this, they have developed this habit of seeing a wonderfully coloured pool. Now they are no more interested in using single-coloured blue or white swimming pool. They call pool painters Perth, give their specifications and expect them to deliver their best.

However, things are a bit different if the pool is a concrete pool because in that case, selecting the right paint would become troublesome. The reason is that there are a number of stipulations to match and one is that the paint chosen for this should be able to withstand the near perpetual submersion in water. 

Apart from this, one more stipulation is that it should be durable enough to hold against constantly incoming UV and UVB rays. Then, there is nothing in the paint, if it fails to uphold itself against sudden change in the temperature. The next very important specification is that it should be safe and non-toxic for the users. 

The selection process thus, becomes really complicated because the one to be picked should meet all the specifications mentioned above followed by several others. 

Here, the services of swimming pool paint suppliers can be immensely helpful, as they are well-versed and have in-depth knowledge of the entire range. Based on your specifications and requirements, these professionals can help you choose the right kind of paint from those discussed below. 


  • The first thing that you should know about this type of point is that it is solvent type paint, ideally suited to pools. 
  • It is also one of the longest lasting varieties in terms of pool paints and at the same time, the most recommended one as well by pool painters Perth.
  • This paint gets its popularity by the fact that it is highly resistant to chemicals, staining, abrasion and even, lighter amount of damage as well. 
  • It is also hugely acclaimed for the kind of clean, satin finish it offers to the poolside area. 
  • The biggest feature is that it can help in smoothing out the rough surfaces and because of superior coverage properties, the amount in which it is used is also very low. 
  • It’s versatile enough to be used on concrete, fibreglass, plaster and granite pools. 
  • It is also the most expensive, and the most difficult to apply without professional help.


  • Premium acrylic pool paint is recommended by pool painters Perth to those asking for an economical alternative to epoxy pool paint.
  • However, there are some compromises over quality because the life of this version is not as long as the epoxy pool paint and also, the durability factor is also missing. 
  • But there is nothing to be tensed about, because it is economically available and furthermore, very easy to apply as well.
  • The fact is that it is an ideal choice for concrete pools because it gives that much-needed glossy finish to the area upon completion.

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