Suffering From Hearing Loss? What To Do Now?

Posted by Ronit Roy
Nov 4, 2019

An ear is one of the sense organs that we tend to overlook the most. Suffering from hearing loss is not uncommon if you are in the age group of 60-70 years. Hearing loss can be partial, temporary, and even permanent. Remember, hearing loss condition should not be confused with deafness. They both are completely different cases, even though they are related to the same organ. For any ear-related problems including hearing loss, you are supposed to consult an ENT specialist.

Here I’m going to throw some light on temporary and permanent hearing loss. So, allow me to enlighten you with some useful information on the topic.

Symptoms of hearing loss

Every medical condition has tell-tale symptoms which we ignore in the initial stages. Hearing loss has some common symptoms as follows:

  • Inability to hear people’s voice on phone calls

  • Constant feeling of ringing in the ears, also known as tinnitus

  • Facing problems while listening to someone in a face to face conversation

  • Urging people to repeat themselves over and over again

  • Keeping the television volume always on high levels

  • Avoiding social gatherings

  • Having a “good ear” which enables them to hear properly.

Hearing loss is an embarrassing situation which can hamper the quality of life. This condition not only affects the sufferer but also the ones related to him or her. So what causes hearing loss? Here are some reasons why people suffer from hearing loss.

1. Agedness: It is observed that as people grow older, they get more prone to hearing loss. As we grow old, the tiny hairs in our ear get deteriorated or even die leading to complete and permanent hearing loss. Hearing loss in older people is called presbycusis.

2. Certain ear diseases: Since hearing loss is related to ears, what happens to your ear has an impact on your hearing capacity. Ear diseases like otosclerosis and acoustic neuroma can be the culprit behind your loss of hearing.

3. Ear infections: An infection in the middle ear blocks the sound waves to pass through the ear canal and inner ear which makes it difficult for the person to hear anything.

4. Earwax buildup: Earwax protects our ears from any sort of infection but too much of anything is harmful, and the same goes for earwax. The excessive amount of earwax can clog our ears which further gives rise to hearing loss.

5. Exposure to ear-splitting noises: If you’re constantly around places with deafening noises, then you’re more likely to suffer from hearing loss. Exposing yourself to ear-shattering sounds damages the inner ear cells, so avoid sounds above the range of 85 decibels by wearing earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones and listening to music on your earphones at low volumes. Also, consider soundproofing your home.

So, whose door to knock if you’re suffering from temporary or permanent hearing loss? Find a good ENT specialist who performs the required diagnostic tests (tuning fork tests, audiometer tests, app-based hearing tests and so on) and ensures that you get the right treatment. Many reputed hospitals in Agartala have good ENT doctors in their institution, so without wasting any minute, get your ear treated now so that you can listen to beautiful music and sounds.

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