Start your child’s Education with best school in Faridabad

Posted by Presidium Faridabad
Dec 26, 2016
Image When you are searching for a schools in Faridabad, you are flooded with all the necessary information of the schools like the reputation, board affiliation, extracurricular activities, infrastructure and student-teacher ratio. Parents look for a school that offers high quality educational programmers that enable them to become lifelong learners. For your ease, narrow down your options and find out the board the school follows. Secondly, if you have decided to select any of the boards, then look for the schools in your vicinity. Thirdly, at the primary level, it is important that the teacher genuinely gets to know his/her student; so here, the student and teacher ratio also matters.

What pedagogy is the school following?

Every school follows a curriculum that might differ from other schools; how that curriculum is followed is known as pedagogy. There are numerous teaching approaches that are followed in schools. Now the question arises, how to select when we have so many options?
Different needs and passion!

It has been explained by an educator that every child has a different need and passion that requires different teaching methods at varied levels of schooling; learning must be progressive that could in turn cover all the differences. Students who are involved in such learning practices tend to grow with lifelong learning skills.

This simplifies your search, where you need to avoid the schools that are following traditional practices of teaching; it begins with the teachers, writing long notes on the blackboards and the students copying it. In a lecture of 40 minutes, if the teacher is spending maximum 15 minutes in writing notes on the board, students cannot get through the concepts. In the exam time, they will end up finding a crash course to pass the exams.

Extracurricular activities are also important!

Extracurricular must be an engaging part of the curriculum. It is important how the activities are conducted so that the child is engaged in what he’s doing. Extracurricular activities are important aspect of school life. Presidium is the best senior secondary school in Faridabad, where teachers not only encourage the students to study more, but also to participate more and more in sports and cultural activities.

Love for learning is the base!

Presidium Faridabad is the school where teachers instill love for learning in the primary classes. How would you get to know if the school is following what it has claimed? Peeking in during the school hours can be a good option. Spare some time and visit the learning spaces; also, talk to other parents and find out their child’s experience at school and behavior at home.
When you’re on tour to the schools!

When you are visiting the schools do not just talk about the admission of your child, explore the school, the infrastructure, classrooms, talk to the teachers and try to find out how much they know their students individually. A good teacher knows each and everything about his/her student, from likes to dislikes, from aspirations to inspirations.

It is important that you must know everything about the school you’re sending your child in. Presidium follows what a child wants; it focuses on the right teaching methodologies, different needs and passion of students, extra-curricular and instill love for learning in them. All these aspects are important because they give the child more confidence that in turn helps them to achieve their respective goals. This makes Presidium an obvious reason to be the best school in Faridabad. Send your child to Presidium and allow him to learn the best lessons of life and capture the best memories of school life.
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Comments (1)
Maggie Elizabeth


It is really great. It is helpful

Dec 26, 2016 1 Like Like it
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